Kawaii round two -partners posted-

174 replies since 9th October 2009 • Last reply 9th October 2009

YaY!!!!! Mega excited - I can't wait to see who my partner is!!!!!! ^.^

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me too! remember peeps I love turtles!!!!

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glad to hear it!!!

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Sorry for the delay ladies, I just got home from helping my friend make 25 bows for daughter's cheerleading squad. (well more than that cause one bow consists of 3 bows glued to one) I would give out partners now but I want to think it thru and partner up the right way. So I will post partners during coffee time in the morning. Happy Love you guys!

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I can't waiiiittt ^^ .. !!

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Oh no I missed sign ups (although I probably wouldn't have been able to join this time Happy ) it's I was looking forward to doing this one again! Can't wait to see what you all do. Good luck everyone!

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It's morning!!! WOO!!! And I can't wait!!!! ^.^

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*yawns and stretches*

Rhibi, I havent made my coffee yet and I promised the girls pancakes for breakfast so if you want in let me know. I will give you an hour if you want in let me know!! You know you wanna! We Love you!

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Mmmm pancakes. In that case, I think I'll go makes some waffles - that sounds really yummy!!

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now I want some too

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Michelle G and Patty

Meesh and Sug

Jenna and Kiddo

Martha and Leej

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Woot! I've never paired up with Jenna before! YAY!

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woot I has patty!!!!!

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Woot i have michelle!!!

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