gothic lolita swap>closed

135 replies since 20th August 2009 • Last reply 20th August 2009

I am mystified! I cant wait patty for the spoilage Happy

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Sugar ~ Ahh that's so fab! >w<
I wanna get started on most of your stuff once I get back to NY
Since it'll be easier for me to get the things I need there.

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Yay! posted partners!
Sooooooooooooooo who's trish?
I searched around, and either im blind/stupid or....idk, lol.
XD im so excited to start!

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Trish is Creativemind.

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I love Malice Mizer
I need to listen to Kanon though because she's seem to have gotten pretty popular lately

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I love those dresses!!! I've always wished i could afford one, but they're so darn pricey!!

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Jenna have you ever thought of making one? Sounds like a plan for me, not that I would wear it, maybe to sell, but I thought maybe I could find a pattern and modify it a bit. OOOOO, I do hate using patterns though. :/

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me too, I don't think those dresses would be hard to make

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i was just thinking for halloween making like a snow white lolita dress i get to dress up for work

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Cool Interstellar, if you do be sure to post it here. I would love to see it! But I agree Michelle, they don't look hard to make.

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I've never made clothes, so I'm just worried i would have three arm-holes and no room for my head or something.... but it would be interesting to try!

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I made a fairly simple lolita dress
But I totally failed when it came to the bodice
Otherwise it was pretty easy to make

Ohh and Gypsie if you wanted to start out with an easy dress you should make a one piece like this ---->

That one is pretty easy and you won't have to worry about sleeves since it's straps instead!

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I think I will attempt one

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how is everyone getting on? I am doing great, taking my time to make it super special

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