Spa / Soothing Sug Happy Swap!! =)

61 replies since 14th July 2009 • Last reply 14th July 2009

Well ,madam, that was certainly fast!!!! Tongue

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I has timbitt for you

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did you get it yet Jenna?

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Not yet, but I'm still keeping my eyes peeled!! ^.^

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okie, I hope you get it soon!

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I got mine, going to take pics and show it off. Be prepared!

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oooh can't wait

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tonight i am so using the facial stuff!! Happy Thanks kt!

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haha your welcome...hope you enjoy it...and the epsom salts too!!

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ooooh that looks yummy! Michelle, I am almost done with yours! I just have one or two things left, and will hopefully ship off in the morning! Woo!! =)

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great! Hope you get yours soon, it should be there....hummm maybe it got lost. If you don't get it...I wil send something else

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I'm sure it's on the way - I've had lots of swaps that took forever going over borders, so no worries! ^.^

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ok, still a wee bit worried

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