Kawaii Gallery(DONE/success)

445 replies since 1st April 2009 • Last reply 1st April 2009

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Patty, since you don't have your license you can take the bus! LOL!

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It's not hello kitty but I love it ^_^

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I love it too! I love watching Pokeman!

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I was so excited when we stopped over in Japan airport on our way to the UK and I saw one of the pokemon planes there! It was a different one to the picture I just posted, it was still awesome and at the height of my pokemon obsession in 2000 (not that that obsession has died down much since haha).

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I got my special prize today! Thank you so much Ms. C. de León, everything is soooo cute!
I got like fifty kawaii things (stickers, a lot of mini-papers, papers with its envelopes, a meow-tiful bookmark, a journal) and an original Sug's drawing, just look:

Thank you Sug!

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woow! that looks so good!

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I know! I'm so excited for mine now

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Oh my! I am pouring over with jealousy at the moment Tongue

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Yayayaya! Happy you love your prize Ale!!! You got yours sooner than i thought so awesome!! So maybe Michelly should get hers very soon! Happy So Exciteing!!!!

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i got my pretty noteabook yeah love it

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Yayaya! took me a moment to figure out what you were talking about! lol The idea popped in my head as i was drawing the pics out that day Happy

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Ale got some awesome prizes!

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I know! can't wait for mine, hopps around

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