Zombie Swap?--Partners Announced!

86 replies since 31st January 2009 • Last reply 31st January 2009

ok,so when will there be the partner announcement?

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Hey, if the swap isn't closed, I'm COMPLETELY in!!! Ugh! I LOVE zombie!

I dressed up as a zombie one day at school, and I want to go to this zombie flash mob thing going on pretty soon. Happy

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hey kiddo...start passing out parnters...p.s i already had Dis and Tara in past swaps. whoever parnter up with them are in a real treat Happy

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Partners are: Sug and kiddo
DIS.AR.RAY and Tara
Heidel and Knitten Kitten

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Oh yay! It will only take a day for my package to get to dis!

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Dis. We should totally meet up at a Cafe or Starbucks or something to exchange our goodies. Take pics and post em on here everyone would be super jealouse! Muahahahahahaha. It would be even funnier if we dressed up as Zombies when we do it. When they ask us what we would like to order we can say Muuuuuaaaaa Braaaaains!

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I didn't realise we were meant to have started this already haha

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When is it due? I have stuff on order for this swap it takes 2 to 6 weeks to get it.

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I haven't thought about a due date. Maybe just whenever you and your partner decide to exchange. I've gotten a couple of things done and want to do some more, but I'm brainless right now (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)!

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This sign was made by a local company (YeeHaw Industries) in Knoxville, TN where I'm from. It's super cool! Wish I had more wall space. I buy their art all the time.

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Haha that's awesome!

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knittin`Kitten your package is in the mail!!! Hope you can understand that I don`t have any zombie- wrapping paper! hahaha Happy
tell me what you think about it?

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I have 3 zombie projects made for you Kiddo so far Happy I am having so much fun with this project!

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Thankyou Heidl!

I'm saying on all my swap threads, I'm a bit behind with things at the moment but I'll keep in touch and WILL send something!

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Lookie at what I got!

Zombie sweeties:

A cute zombie skull thing which I have now turned into a keyring:

I think these are temporary tattoos, am I right?:

An adorable mini comic:

An awesome zombie matchbox filled with charms and things:

A ghoulish pom pom!

And a Zoey the Zombie pendant which I instantly put on a necklace =)

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