I have plushies that need homes...
haha. um, none in particular
Okay I'll probably do the picture of the soap then. It may take me a few days but I'll get back to you
ok great
Oh ^^ Okay...I can do that.. ^^ I think I would definitely have one of those washy monsters and the wednesday doll for my diy collection.. but if you only have one wednesday doll then I don´t know because KK also want to swap her...
But it´s no problem for me to only swap one wasy monster..
I wanna do red washy monster! My examples of a swap can be found in the Grab bag swap! I've also done that pickachu so can send that out at the same time!
ok. so... tell me if you're all happy with this.
jess - wednesday addams doll
sug - pink washy monster
kk - little whale
charlie - red washy monster [btw. it's kinda light pink too on the door & arms]
no washy monster oO So I have to swap that the next time with you
But to me the rest sounds good if KK isn´t sad about it...
If she is sad then it´s no Problem for me to don´t swap at all.. ^^ I don´t want someone to be sad...
<3 You guys ^^
well that's all I have for now.
I have some things that I need to get to work on...
but maybe if you want to wait, at some point I could make you a washy monster
No that's fine Jess, I love the little whale, it's so cute ^^
^^ oh..okay.. That´s cool..I´m glad that you are not sad KK... ^^ No Problem Crystal.. I didn´t mean it bad..
I would be happy to swap with you the washy monster on a other time
.. I saw your boomboxmonster on etsy..and I always thought of maybe swaping with you one day ^^
I´m a huge Fan ^^ *g*
so do you still wanna swap the wednesday addams doll?
yay ^^ ...ähhm...That means "yes madame" ^^
haha. okie dokie
^^ I´m so happy now ^^
" I get a Wednesday adam doll " ^^ *dance* sing*
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