Birthday Help

Well, i guess im just having a brain fart because I CAN NOT think of one think to make for a gal'z birthday. She is going to be 13, is kinda girly and likes unique stuff. Any ideas? Either already on the site or you're other ideas, doesn't matter!

Thanks SO much!

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9 replies since 30th January 2008 • Last reply 30th January 2008

Check these projects out - - hope that helps!

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Thanks! Ill let you know!

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Hmm, Im twelve Right now, birthday in march Tongue Dependz what type of person, crafty, sporty, girly..?


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You could just make her a whole bunch of jewellery? Or get one of those big framed mirrors from Ikea and paint it pink and cover it with buttons and sequins and little toys and things, it'll be cool. Or a girly mobile, with My Little Pony things hanging from it. Or make her a tshirt, there are a few nice stencil things on this site. Or a doll of her! Like get an old Barbie from a charity shop and dye it's hair and things so it looks like her. Ooh lots of ideas

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One idea i have is, i'm making a special take on the traditional faux pearl necklace, i'm adding an assortment of charms to it with jumps rings and spacing them 6 to 8 pearls apart. It's really cheap esp. if u have tons of charms/ old jewellry u can cut up at home like i do. And u probaly already have an old fake pearl necklace like the one's little girls use for dress up.

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Also you could make the jumper out of an old t-shirt that's on this site, but shorten the straps so it's more like a dress, add big buttons and make it a girly color/ print like pink or polka dots

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My niece is 13 and for her b'day I made her a few hemp necklaces. I bought different colored hemp and the metallic alphabet beads and spent one night knotting them up. I asked her if she liked them and she said she loved them and wears a different one each day!
I was told I was a cool Auntie! I also knitted her a pocket scarf.

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You can never go wrong with any type of jewellery
You cna make it unique/girly anything really

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Thanks guys! I ended up making puzzle piece earrings (they turned out so awesome), barbie shoe earrings, and I did (well tried..) a hemp! Gosh that hemp took me dayzzz.... I am useless at those things. I didn't end up giving it 2 her, but hey, its the thought that counts, right? I also got her a cute lil 60's retro tee from this shop downtown. Sorry, my craftiness failed me. I couldn't make her whole present. Maybe next year? Thanks so much guys! The whole jewellery thing worked well, and she luved it!

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