HELP! how do i remove an icee stain from white lace?

well i went to the movies today and my friend dropped some of his cherry icee on the white lace of a black shirt. i tried bleach. regular water, and oxyclean but it didnt come out. its still a bright pink anyone know how to get it out?

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6 replies since 29th July 2010 • Last reply 29th July 2010

Maybe try RIT White Wash or RIT Stain Remover.

My grandma suggested it to me, and she's my granny...she kinda knows everything (lol just kidding, but it sure seems like it! Tongue)

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did you try 7up or sprite

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you could always dye the rest of the lace pink Happy just saying. sorry i can't be of much help besides that. have you tried soaking it in cold water for a while and THEN using bleach or oxywash?

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They make a dye remover...Brand name is Rit. I'm not sure if if will remove food color, but it's worth a try if nothing else works. If it doesn't...maybe try painting the whole piece of lace with some white fabric paint.

I dunno?

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Ha...I just noticed this was already posted. That's what I get for not reading all the responses. lol

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XD. alright so my mom helped me out with this. we just moved the ribbon to where the stain was and put a flower pin on it. and i gotta say it looks better than before. thank you guys. Happy

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