Puffy Sleeves.
I love sleeves with a bit of volume, but, the fact is, I can't sew them, or at least, I don't know how.
If you don't know what I mean by "puffy sleeves" I mean something like this:
<img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/352llqt.jpg"/>
But, not necessarily long sleeved.
Are there any tutorials for this? I looked already on CO+K, but, no luck.
Please and thank you. :]
yeah, these preety little sleeves conquered the world!!! as you can see in several big chain stores... i think there´s no tute on co+k, but i´m planning to make a dress with these and can do it... but i´m overcharged with stuff at the moment... do you have a basic sleeve pattern? then i can try to explain how you build the pattern and sew them!!!
Hi Katieee. One way you can create the effect is to fold a sleeve pattern in half lengthways. Cut along the crease from the centre top to level with where the underarm shaping is.
Add in a upside down triangle shape of paper to widen out the top of the pattern. This will force the pattern to crease at underarm level. Where the creases are tape them flat so that your arm hole shaping stays level. You may need to reshape the side seams to make them straight.
It's basically a geometry thing. Try it out with newspaper first. Remember to mark the centre top so you can balance up each side of the sleeve. For the folds it's pleats that go upwards on the front and back to create an arm curve.
Hope this makes sense. It's easier to do than say
sheila, that´s a nice idea!! didn´t think about that way, so easy
another way is to draw a vertical line through the midle of the sleeve, decide where the pleats should be (remember that they shouldn´t be near the lower sleeve otherwise you will have much fabric under your arm), from these points draw lines like a v to the middle, cut them and add width. this method adds the width exactly where you want the pleats. sheila´s totally right, it´s always a geometrical thing, you always cut and add width where you want it to be!!
Thank you guys :]
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