ONCE APOND A TIME story challenge

44 replies since 10th November 2008 • Last reply 10th November 2008

As she is crossing the bridge, she sees the cutest little cat run across her path. It had something in her mouth. It ran right up to her and dropped it... it was... an onion? No... a transparent ball of ... what was it?

It started to grow... and it got bigger and bigger.



"wtf? Am I cinderella?" she wondered as she stood right in front of, what was once a small ball of who knows what, a carriage made up of ... who knows what.

But somethings different. No mice into horses, no driver, no fairy god mother. What was going on here? She, for some unexplainable reason, got into the carriage.

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She stroked the inside wall of the carriage, very gently. It was very soft, maybe cotton wool, no, not that. "Aaah! It must be candy floss." The cat jumped in next to Lolly but it slowly started morphing into a....

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...very small man. he was wearing a pink tuxedo and birkenstocks. he looked up at Lolly with his big eyes and smiled. "I'll be your personal assistant/navigator for your trip." he said as the carriage started to moved forward.

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Words would do her no good at the moment. She was completely... asounded, flabbergasted, petrified, excited, terrified, anxious, stunned, apprehensive, eneasy, eager, yearning, hopeful, anticipating, all within the snap of 1.3 seconds.

Even if she could speak, she would have no clue what to say.

Thank you? Who are you? WHAT are you?Where am I going? What do you want with me? How did that happen? What is this stuff? About a thousand other questions came to mind. None she would be able to utter, and it felt like she may never be able to again.

Untill, without even realizing it, she started speaking, "...

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...my name is Lolly, and I'm not completely sure exactly where I'm headed..." but before she could continue the little man chuckled and said "I know who you are! and I know exactly where you're going - I was sent by Mr. Wonka himself." still a bit confused, Lolly nodded. the little man continued on "my name is...

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Mr Sweetcheeks, very pleased to meet you! I have to apologise as I am new to the job myself, the last chauffeur fell into a giant pot of treacle, and although he's out of THAT sticky situation, he is having some time of to recover... so, anyway Mr Wonka has sent me to make sure you arrive at your wonderful destination in one piece."

Lolly thought Mr Sweetcheeks seemed nice enough, and she was eager to find out what surprises awaited her around the bend...

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what awaited lolly was not at all what she had expected, instead of a sweet factory she found herself in a gingerbread house. a cottage actually made from gingerbread, with candycane window frames and and icing sugar roof. it seemed so very familiar but Lolly couldn't quite place it, and just then a little old lady came out of the cottage and caught hold of Lolly's hand " you must be Lolly, such a sweet name, but you feel far too bony to me, we'll have to feed you up"
what a strange thing to say Lolly thought as she wondered why the house and now this little woman seemed so familiar

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as she stepped into the house the walls started bleeding black gunk..

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So, she took her finger and rubbed it along the walls. Then she stuck her finger in her mouth. "OOh Yummy, I love black licorish!"

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the old lady laughed a wicked laugh... "hahaha thats not black licorish you fool" its...

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it's dragon larve, you will become a dragon in less than 5 seconds, im of now, oh no i just tripped over a....

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Peppermint! Wait! This is no ordinary Peppermint!" Shrieked the lady.
Suddenly Mr. Mint Burst into the room with a candy cane army following him. He struck down the Lady and sprinted over to Lollys side.
"Help me Mr. Mint! I'm turning into a dragon!!!!"
"Oh Lolly you poor dear!" Exclaimed Mr. Mint "theres only one person who can save you now! Mrs. McChew. We can find her at her peanut brittle house!" And so he swept her up in his arms and ran off in to the darkness to Mrs. McChews house, leaving his candy cane army to dispose of the dangerous Ginger Bread house.

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When Lolly got to Mrs. McChew's house she could already feel herself getting hotter and hotter. Her stomach was burning with the power of 1000 chilli peppers. "I'm turning into a dragon!" she yelled, "fire is bilding up in my belly!" On the last word a bit of steam came out of her mouth. Mr. Mint set her down quickly and stepped away from Lolly. Lolly was terrified and she could feel her skin beginning to bubble and turn to scales. Her eyes were turning yellow and cat-like and her teeth were sharp. She felt a pain in her back where her wings were trying to grow. Mrs. McChew grabbed a hard candy wrapped in silver and unwrapped it and handed it to Lolly at once. Lolly took the candy and put it in her mouth. She suddenly felt like she had taken a huge gulp of water. The fire in her belly went away and her body felt cool as it was returning to normal. "Thank you so much!" she exclamed. Everybody was smiling and Mr. Mint said "Thank god you got cured in time. I thought I was going to melt with the heat coming off you!" Lolly looked at Mrs.McChew and asked "What was that thing you just fed me?"

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"Rock Candy!" She exclaimed. "Now, do you need anything else?"
"Why yes! I need...

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...some answers. Why is Frank Wonka so interested in me and why did he choose to bring me here. Mrs McChew hesitated before answering. "Um... Well my dear....it's because..."

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