links in comments and posts?

Hi maybe i'm just a doof but is it possible to post clickable links in comments or anywhere even?
for example.. i posted aproject showing off some of the sock moneys i've made.
Someone comments about maybe a how-to
I want to comment back and add a link to a tutorial that i used to make one or more of them.

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2 replies since 13th May 2008 • Last reply 13th May 2008

yep but I can't put the code here without it showing up like a link!!!! I hope this works! (yey it did)

< h r e f = " the url " >

and the name of the site or whatever after the arrow then

< / a > at the end no spaces in the code either.

although you can link people to the original how to/tutorial you followed by entering the url in the boxes down the right hand side of the page by edited your project.

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oo very helpful! thnks a bunch Happy

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