Well, you are only thirteen.
I think they are just trying to protect you.
The older you get, the more lenient they will become (atleast, that's how it went with my mom.)
There should be nothing wrong with being able to go and hangout with a friend during the week days, though.
Have you tried to make a deal with them? Like if you get all your homework and house work done early, you can go out for a couple of hours...
As for being homeschooled, I wouldn't know anything about it, but if you hate it so much, you should sit down with them and have a serious conversation about it.

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5 replies since 14th March 2012 • Last reply 14th March 2012

Considering you are only 13 I don't think your parents are being unnecessarily mean, they are just trying to be responsible parents and keep you safe. It's amazing how many girls your age are NOT smart and get themselves in bad situations.
Have you ever tried volunteering? The Humane Society is a good place for a girl your age to volunteer, you will get out of the house, learn new skills,meet new people, hang out with alot of cute animals, and even build up your resume!
If there is a boys and girls club by your house they have teenagers help supervise the kids and lead crafts and stuff. It's fun and you will also meet more kids your age.

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I know my parents are trying to protect me but it gets annoying they dont trust me to go to park across the street!
my mom has been telling me she loves me latey so i KNOW she knows i HATE the rules of my house

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And yes i am gonna volunteer this spring break (my mom is MAKEING me tho it wasnt my chose and i didnt have a say ) and i am gonna volunteer in the summer too..(i get more freedom in the summer so im DIEING for it to come)

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I think it's a good time to discuss going into public school for your high school years. It's a good way to prepare yourself for college and get used to socialization with others your age. I know that a lot of home school agencies talk about how many home schooled kids go on to college at a younger age, but what they fail to mention is that those home schooled kids are going to community college and dropping out after about a year because they aren't used to being around other people or sharing classtime. I've known many MANY home schooled kids, having been one myself and out of the many I've known, only one of them actually finished college. Most didn't even bother going.

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Thanx for all your guys help Happy i am still homeschooled but i well have some more freedom i think cuz of a talk i had with my dad...i think they under stand me more now Happy thanx for all the help Happy

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