Location problems

Whenever I try to set my location on my profile nothing happens. I type it on and press the save button, the page loads like it's saving it but nothing happens. I go back to my main profile page and the location isn't set. I've had this problem since I joined CO+K...


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18 replies since 29th August 2010 • Last reply 29th August 2010

This should be fixed now, sorry!

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Just been to try and alter my location and it still won't change on my profile, and I still have this damn picture=(

EDIT: Picture has finally changed whoop

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It's still not setting it, when I press the set button it's like all it does is refresh the page. When you press the set button it's still on the page where you enter your location details. Then I went to look at my profile and the location bit is still blank!!

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Tom says he should get a chance to look at this at the weekend. Sorry in the meantime!

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Thanks Happy

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Any luck with getting this fixed at all?

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I've heard nothing for 19 days, I was wondering if you would be able to tell me how you're getting on with fixing this problem?

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Ok I haven't heard from you in a while, you or Tom were meant to be looking at it the weekend of the 4th/5th Sept, that was a month ago. If there isn't a problem with the location thing on here then couldn't you just set my location for me? It's not like I'm inputting an invalid place... I can't understand why it STILL isn't working!!

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Sorry Lolly.Bot we've been super busy but come November, we'll have a chance to fix this once and for all!

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It's fixed! Sorry that took so long, it was a more complex thing to fix.

Let me know if there're still any issues!

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I'm afraid it's still not showing my updated location on my profile=(

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Thanks Tom it's worked on my profile and quite a few other people's profiles but like Laurel said, for some reason it isn't working on her profile!!

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Done it, apparently I was being too impatient lol=)

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