Project Uploading- Can't Add a Time!

Several times now, I've tried using the up and down arrows on the part at the side of the project uploader to set the time that it took for my project to do.

However, it won't let me add a time and whenever I click on one of the arrows to set a time, it just jumps back to the top of the page and the save/publish/preview bar at the top, without setting a time!!

BUT this has only happened on certain projects; I had two in progress and one I was able to edit fine, but the second one I have the above problem with!

Help me!! What's wrong?? What can I do about it?!

Any information would be gratefully received Happy

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2 replies since 8th June 2010 • Last reply 8th June 2010

Usually when the site freaks out on me I refresh the page, and it's fine.

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ah right okay thanks, i hadnt thought of trying that actually!

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