Cant Upload Projects?

I cant change the time, what you will need and the difficulty of my projects, and if I type a tagline or description of my project I cant save it. I have 4 projects on the go and a lot more waiting to be started but I cant publish.
I hate to bother anyone with this but its been a while since I've been able to upload things and Im wondering if it something up with the site (and when its going to be fixed) or if its just something wrong with my computer.
Thanks for your time.

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4 replies since 14th April 2010 • Last reply 14th April 2010

AAARGHHH It's so frustrating! I have the same problem, for me this problem started when CO+K got the new format. I tried installing new browsers like firefox and avant but these don't work nor does internet explorer.

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I'll have Tom take a look at this tonight!

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Turns out its just a problem with my computer. Does anyone know why my computer hate CO+K

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my computer is doing that too! i cant add the time, then it tells me to publish then says i havent included some parts, so i go back and its deleted what ive written in the description! Happy

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