Page 2 of Projects Is Always The Same
Lately whenever I check out the newest projects, the first page of course has the newest projects. But page 2 is always the same page from a little over a week ago. Instead of seeing the previous new projects I always see a page with these things...Fish To Sushi Plushie, Very Sleepy Owl Very Sleepy Owl, Version Boombox Monster, Wedding Glasses, How To Duct Tape Rose Duct Tape Rose, Cute Retro Apron Cute Retro Apron, etc.
Each day the projects I saw the day before are "missing." There are about twelve days of projects that are "missing."
Is it just me? Or have others noticed this too?
since 26th February 2009
Last reply 26th February 2009
i have!
Yay it is fixed at last.
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