I would really like to add to the blog page but can't seem to find how you go about it. Am I just being gormless?
Posts by Beads Unlimited
Just to let you know that Beads Unlimited are running a beading competition on our Facebook and MySpace sites.
We would like you to send photos of your marvellous designs using coloured wire. Your creation can be anything from a simple necklace to a lifesize interpretation of David Dickinson, as long as it's all your own work!
Some fab beady prizes are up for grabs and our favourite entries will be displayed on our Facebook and MySpace sites.
Judging by all the creativity on here, we thought that it's just the sort of thing you fellow crafters would be interested in.
Due to the success of our adult jewellery making classes we will be hosting new workshops commencing on the 17th September. From 12th November we will be running groups with a Christmas theme so you’ll be able to delight your family and friends with some beady presents.
All classes are £25 each and a 50% deposit is required at the time of booking.
Hurry – places are limited to 6 per class and can get booked quickly!
For more information or to enquire about booking please contact us.
The Brighton Bead Shop
21 Sydney St
Email: mailbox@beadsunlimited.co.uk
Tel: 01273 675077
Website: www.beadsunlimited.co.uk/collections/classes/83