Posts by jesika_galaxia

    you can use it like they said. You can also use it on shrinky dinks (shrink art paper) instead of heating up the oven, or any plastic that can shrink. I just found out today that you can use the grocery store lids to design and shrink! Good luck! Happy

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    have you tried looking at your local discount stores? Like KMart, WalMart, or Target? you can probably get the sheet sets and make them.

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    at joann's and micheal's they have the printable kind too if you are handy w/ a drawing program. Happy I didn't know you can use the lids! I will try that next time.

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    Hi I just joined. I have been making crafts for quite a while now, but i am a newbie to crochet. Never thought to do step-by-step tutorials... Happy Umm... I am enjoying the creativity and how-to's so far. Happy<3

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