Posts by corrie w

    oh no mine is the same way its pretty aggrivating because i cant allways tell if someones left a msg Happy

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    i know what you mean idk what gta is but i know their are parents who dont monitor their children
    at my house we have parental guide lines set on the computer so when the boys are on they can only visit certain sites
    and you have a valid point and i dont take anything you said offensivly

    opposites girl
    you also have a good idea about warnings being on the site i like that im sure cat and the rest of her cut out crew will know what to do when that time comes

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    you have a very good point
    but ppl of all ages love to craft my 3 yr old isnt old enough to see everyy thing on you tube but i still let him look at batman and incredable hulk videos
    they make you confirm your birth date so he cant see things that arent appropriate for his age level yes he does know how to play videos on you tube he only needs me to type in bat man etc lol yes i regrett teaching him i cant ever get him off now lol

    but sites dont do this because they think 16 yr olds arent mature enough to see boobies im sure they show 16 yr olds more then that in sex ed class
    its more less for the parents and liability reasons
    do you know why walmart doesnt sell cds with explict lyrics
    some kid bought a god smack cd and his dad heard it and walmart got in troble so now they dont sell cds with explict lyrics i wish they did though grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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    or mitch match a catogorie for every thing else

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    hmmmm thats a toughy
    ,ayne you could have like a mitch match catorgory

    mitch match the catorgory for stuff that dosent fit the mode or mold what ever word is approriate lol

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    projects are great i love seeing new projects on the site

    cat you were saying something about not being sure about catorgorizing something as glasses or hat maybe you could create a catorgory to cover alot of different projects like accessories it seems like it would be easier to me
    if some one posted any thing like baretts or jewlery it could also be accessories so can purses totes etc belts you get the idea

    something i was wondering maybe some ppl want to post projects that a younger audience shouldnt see like idk a nude painting or something
    maybe ppl arent doing that now or thinking about it but as the site grows maybe you could think about making something for users with over age 18
    can post and see projects that other younger members cant
    the only reason i bring this up is because my kids do alot of crafts and want me to make them a pg so its just something to think about its not a problem now but this site could get pretty big Happy
    and you will have ppl probley posting paints sculptures etc

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    yes its very annoying grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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    i hope no one gets affended by this but a leader makes rules if not you get annarchy

    1 a: absence of government b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
    2 a: absence or denial of any authority or established order b: absence of order : disorder <not manicured plots but a wild anarchy of nature — Israel Shenker>
    3: anarchism

    part of being a leader is inforceing the rules to make your institution better for the whole not the few
    and a leader can do that whether ppl will love or hate them for it ;)

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    which is why ppl would be grabbing for pts because theyve made something awesome they want to post Happy
    but i know what your saying about blogging i could see ppl just doing it because of pts and really not putting anything good in them

    but yeah i think it would be cool to do a hall of fame thing etc

    the reason why ppl dont do versions of other ppls projects and post it as a version is because when you do it doesnt show up on the main page i almost didnt post mine under versions but i said fuck it you gotta give credit when credits do but some ppl arent like that
    maybe you guys should take away versions altogether and just have how tos and projects seems simple to me

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    i posted my baby tutu under a version from someones tutorial on her it came out cute
    but i think even if you do a version of someone elses project it should show up in the all projects section other wise cut out and keep is not posting all its
    projects on the main page and even though it wasnt your original idea you still want credit for the originality of the way youve done it right

    but i do agree their should be a limit on posting the same kinda project maybe one of each for example

    1 sewing project a day this includes plushies clothes etc

    1 bead project a day this can include fimo resin glass beads etc

    1 paint project a day

    or i just had a better idea you know how myspace has that whole buy your friends thing well you could start out with like 50 pts for making a profile
    then so many points can be awarded for each blog you write etc
    you can get points everytime you add a friend or everytime someone adds you
    or if you post a msg on the board which would really get ppl chating away anyways

    then when you click the projects button a list will pop up different catogories


    each catogrie will be worth so many points maybe 10 pts to post bead projects
    25 to post sewing projects
    15 to post paint projects so on and so fourth
    that way its not all rules this rules that ppl feel good because they earn the right to put projeccts on the site you can even have
    free pass contests where you could when one free pass to post any project under any catogorie

    i think it will be good because it gets ppl active in the site blog etc
    you could even earn pts if one of your friends signs up for the site Happy double bonous right

    well thats my idea i have tons of great ideas i wish someone would email me hint hint cat ;)

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    ill help

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    i dont understand how to blog on here i click the blog button and it doesnt give me the option of writing my own blog
    its that or maybe im to dense to figure it out can i get some advice plzzzzzzzzz

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    or yes i think that is a great idea feline punk im new to sewing also and am learning what i can but theirs so much its hard to tell if your starting out in the right direction

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