Posts by Strawberry Anarchy

    haha these are great!

    i love the icecream van one!

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    aww !! i agree with the crying more when you get older but the ones that got me were of course bambi and E.T i have always cried when i see them and think i always will!

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    i never seen that episode but i remember tony told me about it and the dalex died or something and he said he was even crying

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    the one that really made me cry was "Grave of the Fireflies" i thought it was going to be a happy go lucky manga film but it was so upsetting and i was crying my eyes out!

    "Taking place toward the end of World War II in Japan, Grave of the Fireflies is the poignant tale of the relationship between two orphaned children, Seita (清太) and his younger sister Setsuko (節子). The children lose their mother in the firebombing of Kobe, and their father in service to the Imperial Japanese Navy, and as a result they are forced to try to survive amidst widespread famine and the callous indifference of their countrymen (some of whom are their own extended family members)."

    sad stuff! i wouldn't watch it again because it was too sad.

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    im so bad at waking up! what i have to do now (and even that doesn't work all the time) is put the alarm clock at the other side of the room and at full blast!
    i then have to get up put it on snooze every 10 mins for an hour then finally drag myself out of bed!

    i hate waking up soooo much! i think it's because i love staying up at night and get more creative !

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    i miss nerds i went mental on rainbow nerds in America! and another thing i just don't get is why they don't bring the winterfresh flavour chewing gum over here! we have winterfresh but it doesn't taste the same! also bubble rubble! yummmm

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    i just watched this video about it as i never knew anything about the drug! and i am so shocked it is a disgusting drug i think everyone should watch the film it will put you off it for life! it turns people into zombie looking freaks and they are scary!

    you can see for yourself here...

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    yes i heard about Glasgow but i haven't seen the news for a few days cos i have been busy, im shocked ! i will have to watch the news 2morro!

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    i haven't even heard about this! so scary! eeek <!-- s:gloomy: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/gloomy.gif" alt="gloomy" title="gloomy" /><!-- s:gloomy: --> just proves that lidl is the best though!

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    Avril bugs me! i never seen it, but would have liked to laugh at her <!-- s:tea: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/awake.gif" alt="tea" title="tea" /><!-- s:tea: -->

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