Ha, thanks for this thread and esp. Monikas post, very helpfull!
Posts by FrolleinKram
Ooookay Ladies and Gentlebugs, here goes nothing:
I finally decided to try and sell some of my jewelry. Now I don't have an etsy shop yet (or the german equivalent Dawanda) because I keep shying away from all the business parts of business, but I have a facebook page going now.
I don't wanna be needy or anything but if you like my work, I'd appreciate a little support by liking and/or sharing.
So far it's all in german because I have to sort through shipping deals before I can offer europen- or even worldwide shipping.
I would also love some feedback on how much you think I should charge for my stuff because I am HORRIBLE at putting a price on things - or better yet, tell me what you as craftspeople would be willing to spend on a handmade accessoire.