Posts by Alexandria Sherbert

    The whole "girl gamer" concept has always irked me somewhat... It just seems to be girls who play MMO's or have something by Nintendo...

    I'm a girl, and i play games. But i wouldn't call myself a girl gamer, just a "gamer". I don't see, and never have seen, why there should be a seperation there between guys and gals. A gamer's a gamer. We're all cut from the same motherboard :p

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    I blog on livejournal. I've had one since i was 13!! Shocking Happy Can you blog on here? I keep seeing people with blogs but i'm being too ubernoob to figure it out, haha!

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    Embroidery. Good GOD it makes me angry. I'm getting crampy fingers just thinking about it >_<

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    Pullips are dolls, really cute ones. Google it and have a look see! =D
    I'd love to have a go at making computer cases. Is that a really dorky thing to want to craft? XD

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    Thank you! ^_^ My boyfriend thought i was so odd taking photos of everything i was doing, doesn't quite understand the whole "posting how-to's" thing ;)

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    Awwh, infected piercings suck Happy Pick yourself up some saline for contact lenses and just cotton bud any piercings you have every day, prevention is better than the cure! Next time you need to get meds though, get your prescription from here - So much cheaper!

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    Haha, i was underqualified to work in McDonalds, now THAT was demoralising XD

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    I think with the forums it's a case of it's not the first place you look at on here, i think it's more something you find and ease yourself into after a while of being about =)

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    Oh no! That's rubbish =( If you've just moved it could be that - after i relocated for the first time i got really poorly for about a week. It was the change of air/water i think!

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    Hello everyone! *waves*
    I'm Alex and i'm a crafter from the South West of the UK. I've been signed up for quite a while but refrained from posting anything until i had a "how-to" up (I guess you could call me a lurker, but that always sounds so bad XD ) an my first "how-to" went up today, so hurrah!
    I'm looking forward to becoming more active on this site ^_^

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