Posts by Alexandria Sherbert

    Typical eh? I've only just started becoming active on the foums and site and now i'm going away ;D
    I'm moving tomorrow, and my new place doesn't have the internet yet (boo!)
    I'll check back as and when i can, but for now, Bye bye everyone! Hope to be back soon ^_^

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    Haha, i always get really faint after piercings! It's normally because your body relaxes because you realise it's all over Happy

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    Oh noo! You really do sound just like i did when i moved, haha. I'm reloacating again tomorrow, hope i don't catch the new place lurgy again! ;D

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    No problem ^_^
    Salt water (saline) is awesome suff. Queenfairypants - You are very very right about avoiding piercers who use guns! You can only really safely use them on ear lobes (and ONLY lobes, cartlidge can shatter under the force). I used to work in a piercers/tattooists so i know a fair bit about this stuff Happy Also, you shouldn't be scared of getting pierced with needles! It's frightening just to think about (I still get scared ;D) But it is so so SO much less painful than gun piercing!

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    Heheee, i have it too Happy Myself and my chap are also GH fans, so this seemed logical! I love the downloadable songs, they had "Still Alive" from the game "Portal" on there for free download, i was so chuffed!

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    Ohhh they're adorable! =D I love that picture of the tea-aholic! Soo adorable! =D

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    Yummy! I love cinammon. I have to admit one of my dirty secrets is that i love to eat whole boxes of cinnamon grahams aaaaall to myself ^_^

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    I loooove stuff like this...

    But i think maybe i'd feel a little bit silly and OTT in it at my age =(

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    Zandra Rhodes and Viviene Westwood. Both amazing designers with rocking hair!

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    Ohhh that's so gorgeous!! Pricey though, haha Happy

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    Ahh, i'd love to make more clothing, but i never seem to be very good at it. My stitches aren't very strong, i'm not used to which stitch to use with which fabric etc etc. I wish i was better at it!

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    Ohh yay! Thanks =D I'll do that this evening Happy

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    Aw, your rat is so cute! I can't quite tell from the picture, is he long or short hair? One of my friends has one with curly hair! ^_^
    I'd love to see a rat plushie <3

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    Hello! I'm new too ^_^

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    Oh my god... I just googled "Frag Dolls" (I had NEVER even heard of them) only to find they are sponsored by Ubisuck (My boyfriend works for them). That's precisely what's wrong with women and gaming... So you're a girl, and you play games, so what?? You want a freaking medal XD There's oodles of us, almost every girl plays games of some sort. Ack.
    So many things wrong with that i don't even know where to start XD

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