Posts by PIN-UP ^alex^

    i had been smoking for 4 years and i recently quit, i have been nicotine free for almost 5 months now.... and this is what made me quit... ok are you ready for this???
    i'm not sure if you knew this but....
    cigarettes give you saggy boobs!!!!!!! i know! oh em gee!!! lol
    i needed to quit smoking cause im trying to have a baby, so i was trying to gross myself out by reading all these horror stories,and the only one that worked for me was that horrible truth! so hopefully i scared you a little bit out of smoking lol <3

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    haha, for me, it helps to take midol or exedrin maybe a day before i think im gonna get my period. if i don't take any medicine, i get killer cramps, i seriously cry and squirm all day from the pain Happy

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    wow! i can't belive i never thought about that lol, i love the pin up photoshoot idea! i have a couple of proffesional photographer friends i really need to give them a call right away. thank you guys soooo much <3

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    my boyfriend got my face tatooed on him, i think that beats everyone lol, so far everything seems good and we are planning a wedding in 2 years, i was a little scared when he first got it, i didn't want him regretting it, but he really likes it and so do i Happy

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    I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO GET HIM!!! we've been together for almost 4 years so i have pretty much made him everything i could possibly think of in his past birthdays and anniversaries and christmases lol. and since its his 21, i wanted to make him or buy him something special. i just really need some advice. just so you guys know, im 19 so i can't buy him anything liqour lol (just so you guys don't suggest that haha)
    advice would be highly appreciated!!! thank you <3

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    michelle g, you have some of the most awesome projects on here, deleting your account would only mean that they won, and that would mean one less nice person and a thousand more jerks on this website. to be honest, i found this to be the friendliest website i have ever been on, and if anyone would ever give me a problem it wouldn't really matter cause there is so many of you guys that have a thousand million of nice things to say, so a couple of jerks aren't going to ruin anything. and if they have the nerve to attack you on your personal views than that just means that they are insensitive ignorant pieces of crap that don't even deserve to cross paths with you because i can tell that you are nothing but a super nice and friendly person who doesn't deserve such treatment. so please ignore their stupid ranting, it's not worth feeling down for.

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    well the chiropractor seems like a popular choice, i will have to try that one! im really tired of waking up with throbbing pains going through my head. well hopefully its something the chiropractor can cure, thanx everyone for your advie! <3

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    kimmi- how interesting that coffee and chocolate help you, i noticed that both coffee and chocolate cause my migraines to be alot more intense, and yeah large doses of aspirin where helping me but aspirin is
    super bad for your liver so i started taking exedrin, which contains no aspirin, but it takes forever to work. i think i like the lavender sachet idea i might have to give it a try, cause it's so hard to relax
    with throbbing pain going accross your head. :/
    Oh wow that's so horrible, well im so happy you're not in that situation any more, i actually never have gone to the doctor for my migrines, i think i should go get checked, its scary to think it could be more
    than a simple headache.

    Kiddo- Thanx so much for the link, i most definately have to try this! Happy

    Nicholaxoo p.- that so horrible that you get them everyday, i usually get it once a month for a whole week, it's like my period lol, yeah i tend to get throbbing pain on the left side above my eye which causes me to
    see blurry and even get dizzy. i hate it so much cause it keeps me from doing everyday things such as driving, or even being able to attend school. it's such a burden! >Happy

    Laurel S.- I too keep a gel pack in my fridge at all times! and nope i cannot coordinate either lol. i found this thing called heat in a click, its like a gel pack except it turns hot i bought it at La vegas, but i think i saw it
    at the mall, so im sure you can find it anywhere, anyway, the lady i bought it from said it was very helful with migranes, though it didn't work for me, sadly Happy, it might help you, it tends to help my dad,
    it runs in the family which sucks :/

    Arty KitKat- The food diary sounds like a good idea, i might have to give it a try! Thank you!

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    does anyone know a natural remedy for migraine headache pains??
    i'm just so tired of taking all those meds...
    though they can work wonders, i just figured i would try an alternative

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    michelle G: yeah there is gazebos but it tends to rain sideways here lol
    bringing the prk home sounds wonderful, thank you so much for the idea!

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    with valentines day on the way i wanted to surprise my hubby with a valentines day picnic i was super excited for it and i have been getting ready for it for a while. now the only thing i'm worried about is the weather, it has been raining randomly for the past month and i hope this sunday doens't rain cause it would really ruin my plans. i can't really think of another place to set up our little romantic picnic, i wanted to do it at the park where he first asked me out, where we had our first kiss and when we first held hands, i can't imagine a more perfect place. i'm gonna bake him some cupcakes, and make us some sandwhiches and make some fruity drinks, i even made a mix of our favorite big band 1940's songs. i went as far as buying a real picnic basket and the picnic table cloth. lol. anyway, can anyone figure out where else can i have a picnic if it ends up raining on valentines day????

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    i totally feel your pain! i started smoking when i was 15, i'm about to be 19 now..and i just decided to quit. I used to smoke so much, i was going through some hard times, so a smoke would relax me, but i ended up smoking much more than i needed to, i was smoking packs a week, but to help me stop i decided to reward myself every time i wanted to have a smoke but didn't, i would buy myself some dessert, or go shopping, mainly anything to distract me. i still do smoke but only social smoke when i go out with friends, but that's not very often,and i don't get those cravings anymore, so i guess that method worked great for me, good luck to you too!

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