Posts by Singingpraisehomemaker

    I got
    From Hubby:
    Dress Slacks
    Dress Blouses
    Bath Stuff (Bath Beads and such)

    From Son:
    New cookbook
    Biblical Books
    new tinkerbell PJs Happy

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    Mine are
    A; Go to Church more
    B: stop cussing (Oh Im Bad, must be because im a sailors daughter rofl)
    C;Stop getting so mad at Jan(My Mother) and making Jeff(Hubby) Listen to it rofl

    so far (A) and (B) are easy rofl

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    Roma, I have several crochet books I dont use any more Happy Maybe we can make a swap Happy

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    lol Opposites, everytime he goes to the type writer i bust out laughing lol

    he looked like he was hard at work in his pic lol

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    shivi, that was an easy pattern i came up with Happy

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    cool glad yall got the cards Happy

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    the first one with prince charles, that lady reminds me of Madonna from the side lol

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    heres one lol

    Now remember he just turned 11 lol.
    Today my mother gave My son a manuel typewriter, I was showing him how to load paper and use it lol, 1st of all he looked at me oddly, then he wanted a go at it. So he loaded paper and away he went lol,he asked where the enter key was, I started laughing and showed him how to start a new line lol.and where the space bar was lol.
    any ways, he started typing lol and messed up, and what does he do. ROFL He asked how to delete it lol.Now a friend said I should of whipped the white out out and well Deleted it lol. then bit a bit later he asked what the round black things were, I said thats the Ink rolls lol thats what makes the letters appear on the paper LMBO oooooooooooh talk about a good laugh, bless his little heart lol, you should of seen him when I showed him what a Record was lol

    Here he is typing away lol

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    Happy I thought he looked adorable

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    Thanks Cat Happy

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    Roma, send me your address, Ill have Jacob send you one out Happy

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    LOL Yep cat

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    I get my paints, canvis, yarn everything at Hobby Lobby Happy

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