Posts by Singingpraisehomemaker

    Mine used the excuse that she tried to contact me ,and they kept bouncing back, well I am getting mail from others at BOTH e-mails,then she said she mailed it out but I have not gotten it, she DID get an e-mail through last week stating its on its way BUT if the mail loses it to let her know. That makes me think she never even mailed it Happy
    when I tried talking to the head lady she was turning things on it being my fault , saying her e-mails are bouncing back, well then how come she had 2 to get through.
    If they cant do it or dont want to they should not sign up for it

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    Great , Thanks Ya'l

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    wow, I hate that happened.Iv been there and it sucks Happy

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    wooohoo, Got it on first try lol

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    Ok, I took a photo of our tree, Now to figure out how to post the photo LOL.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

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    Love it, We are waiting till tomorrow to put the tree up, it will be a blue and silver, Ill take pics tomorrow

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    since my dh and I are the only ones that get for our son Jacob, I want him to get something extra instead of me getting something

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    Great Gonna go check it out.

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    ty Queen Happy

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    thanks Tammy

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    thanks for the link

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    uuug gotta see where my pic went Happy

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    eek my pics vanished Happy

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    Only one we really have is Put tree up b4 sons b-day (Dec 6th)
    Oh and make Jeff(Hubby)Suffer by watching Christmas Story 24 Hours straight rofl

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    cool Happy

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