sure that is fine.
Posts by Sarah S.
Hahaha Jonesy, I am right there with you on the next word, but let's keep it pc and child friendly. How about:
AH! Sorry this is late! My address is 217 9th Street South, La Crosse, WI, 54601
Um yeah I am going to be late.... I'm sorry! I will try to get on it ASAP, but I am going to be working at a camp out of town all next week so it wont be till like mid-July. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! :/
I am in. Sorry I am late! :\ I don't have internet at my house anymore so it is a pain to get to the library! When will 2nd partners be anounced?
I love this. So simple. Stephie, reallly just enjoy your years, because once you grow up, it sucks. Boyfriends suck. Bills suck. Taxes suck. Jobs suck. Anyways you get the picture. I wouldn't count a "peck" as your first kiss, I was "pecking" when I was 5. It wasn't until middle school (around 12 or 13) that I had my first kiss. I thought I was in L-O-V-E with this guy, that is what being 13 is about! My suggestion? Hang out with this guy, sometimes the ones you aren't first attracted to are the ones that really get you in the end. And just to be clear, if this guy really likes you (which I'm sure he doesn't he just has his pants pet in overdrive right now), he is going to love you no matter if there is no padded bra and an over sized tee shirt. And if he does love you at your worse? Then he is a keeper, but trust me, you wont find him for a looooooooonnnnggggg time, so just have fun dating around, don't commit, you will at lest see a few good movies and get some dinners out of it!
Count me in! I want to try this.
Hey I am up for it! I already have a bunch made I am looking to down size. I can send out a few if you want to give me multiple people.
Yeah I am having the same problem. I would really like this.
I have two in my ears and my nose pierced. My second holes keep getting infected though so I think I need to buy some hypo allerginic ear rings. My first holes are fine, it so weird. My nose ring is a pain in the ass sometimes because whenever the "tail" or the end of the stud flips out everyone thinks it is a boogger! I am always playing with it.
Worse yet? "A mental age of three" Give me a break! No one REALLY can be the judge of this. They say my brother (who also has autism)test at a 4th grade level, yet my brother can spell words I can't begin to start (I'm in college), pick a dead bolt, solve a rubics cube, and has memorized most disney movies-saying them from opening credits to "The End."(to name a few of his "hobbies"). He might have the COMMUNICATION skills of a three year old, but he is problely a lot smarter then we will ever be. And why say "Vulnerable boy"? How about "Young Man with Autism". Since when was a 17 year old a "boy"?....Idiots....
You know what I hate more then someone saying "That's so gay?" Someone saying "retarded" where is doesn't belong. Most things can't be "to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede."( And while I don't want to be a bitch, I believe that knowlege is power and I don't think most people know when they say this word. An example would be Stephie N. on your Jan. 10th post you say: "I hate when people deny they're homophobic, and they are. And whenever people say "that's so gay" or "that's so retarded" Its really offensive." and yet on the first post here you say: "Omg! I'm insanely pro gay and I was ranting with this guy in my 3rd period when he made the most retarded statement in the universe." We can't expect the world to change unless we start with ourselves.
Hey anyone know how to delete a project off your "list"? I have completed some projects and want to take them off my "completed list" so I can keep track of the ones I have done.