Seeking New Pet Advice
I’m thinking about adding a new member to my family. So I need a little advice on beginner tank/aquarium pets. Please no snakes, lizards, spiders, small fuzzies or bugs types. My roomies are kind of cowards when it comes to those animals and I’m afraid if they escape the little animals may be in danger. Also the tank/aquarium will be on my craft table so my new member will have to be able to live in a small size space around 5gallon to 10gallon tank.
fish appears to be your only option.
Small turtle :3 my sister had one, their cute
Hm... I have never had fish or a turtle maybe. Do anyone know about hermit crabs? I saw a tank for them on sale at the Petco across from Target.
Well I'm assuming by SMALL fuzzies you mean like rats/mice/hamsters.
Guinea Pigs aren't so small, neither are chinchillas. However if these are also ruled out then all you really have are fish or a tortoise or turtle of some sort...
I use to have hermit crabs. They were quite easy at first. But as they grow, they shed their shell and they need to have a bunch of larger shells to pick from - otherwise they die (and I found them to be quite picky!) They also like a controled environment, so you would probably need a heater. And get a couple of them; they like to live in groups.
Back in University, I had a fish tank in my door room. It was only a 1 gallon so it was small enough to have a couple fish. I would recommend getting either Mollies or Tetras. Betas are really pretty but you need to be careful what other fish you get with them. Definately don't get two males; they will fight each other to the death. Some fish will nip at the Beta's tails. Talk to you pet store about this.
I had water snails, they were cute, but some people think they're boring. And stick insects, they are adorable too. But they count as bugs don't they? I think fish are your best option, fish and water snails can be together though.
I had a Hermit crab once, he got out of the tank ( I didn't think I needed a lid to a 10 gal tank) I was looking all over for him. He ended up downstairs with his claw pinched to the dog's upper lip and died shortly after. I think I had him for about a year all you need is a sponge soaked in water and food I forgot what they eat. PS they kind of stink and they're pretty boring I'd get a fish but not gold fish.
I have a 10 gal. with one gold fish I wanted to get at least 1-2 more but the pet place said that bc GF produce a high amount of ammonia through their waste (pee) & it wouldn't be an ideal living condition for the fish one if not both would eventually die bc of high ammonia.
The guy also told me that you shouldn't mix googley eyed gold fish with the torpedo shaped ones bc the torpedos move quicker and they'll end up fighting bc the googley one's see them as a threat....weird.
You might want to go w/ a couple of mollys or guppies.
you'll need to get a water filter, air pump,water conditioners possibly water heater.
If you stick with a beta you don't need the filter or the pump they're probably the easiest fish to take care of but you can only have one per tank/bowl bc they'll fight regardless of their sex.
Here's a link for the top 10 fish for a 10 gallon tank
I have an African pygmy hedgehog in a glass aquarium Sonic is a great pet (although you do have to clean him out allot)
Hannah that's cool I would like to get a hedgehog, but I have a girly-girl roomie, a no-sayer, and a chill chick. We share the livingroom where I have my craft table, they would have to past my table to get to the hallway to our rooms. So no hedgehog. So I'm leaning towards a small tank of colorful fish everyone. Thanks for all of your help everyone.
My boyfriend came across mini-hamsters today at Petsmart... Hamsters are already fit in your palm but I guess these were half the size. They sounded really cute.... like Pigmy Puffs ha!
One of my friends used to have frogs as a pet. They can be kept in an aquarium with a bit of dry land. Caring for them is much like caring for fish, but they're a bit more exciting to look at. Just make sure they can't escape
Mini-hamsters they sound really cute I will have to check them out. I would love to have a few froggies, but I think they may sing too loud.
We have pet rats at our house. One time my mom brought them to school and everyone fell in love with them. They're some of the best pets you can have. You can't cuddle with fish.
What about a beta fish? They're really pretty and super relaxing to watch. I can also tell you what NOT to get, don't get a Grow a Frog!!! They're really cute at first, but they get big and smelly and you have to completely clean their tank at least once a month, which is disgusting. An they can live up to 15 years. So the only way I was able to get rid of mine was moving to another state and lovingly giving them to a friend
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