What happened to Miley Cyrus?
Jamie R.
To quote Cake, "Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinkin' what they're selling...."
Selling sex on MTV isn't anything new or edgy, its being an attention whore. She wanted attention because her career is dying and she got it.
Emmy Ann
You are right. Selling sex on MTV isn't new at all. She pulled a Britney Spears, pretty much. But like you said, she wanted attention and got it. She got so much attention that the day her Bangerz album dropped, it went number 1 in over 70 countries! So, call her what you will, but make sure you add MARKETING GENIUS to the end of it because that's what she is.
I am surprised she is having bladder problems already, and that she isn't afraid to wear her Depends on TV.
me during the mtv awards : well there goes another disney kid smh
Setting aside the lack of clothing, i recently read that she was smoking weed on stage at some awards ceremony. she has become an incredibly bad influence on young people and a bad role model.
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