They're my favourite band ever, and Im just wondering, if any one else likes them?
Im never met a person, outside my family, that does. I've listened to them ever since I was born, and right now, Im going through a little obsession
Lol. I LOVE Ween and its really awesome to see a younger person NOT talking about Hannah or that Justin kid. I have been listening to Ween since I was about your age. A older boy gave me the GodWeenSatan Cassette and I fell in love. I was listening to them this morning actually. lol. I love listening to them when I am Crafting... I think I replied that on another post here actually. Well, Ween is amazing and addictive so your little obsession is completely normal
Take Care and Be Well.
I've only heard "Push the Little Daisies". I love it, but here in the UK I've not seen their CDs in shops, or heard their other stuff on the radio.
Can you recommend any particular tracks?
I dont think their cds exist in shops anymore. My favourite album is White Pepper.. Some of the songs I like (this list is gonna be a lot longer than expected) Stay forever, Zoloft, I got to put the Hammer Down, Transdermal Celebration, Bananas and Blow (been singing that since I was three)
Listening to Stay Forever now. haha I enjoy the following albums the most: The Mollusk, GodWeenSatan, Pure Guava, and White Pepper. But they styles vary so much with each album, I suppose it really depends on the person. I hope you all have a Weentastic day. Take Care.
I've never heard of them, but I'm going to go check them out now...
I'm waving my dick in the wind *.*
I love Ween! <3
I discovered them this year, my ex boyfriend gave me a mix cd and ocean man was on it and i instantly fell in love .
I've downloaded a discography and it has a few radio sessions on it, i like how fun they are and that they don't give a fuck really if they go overboard with craziness.. on that session they had like 5 versions of a song called the stallion XD haha. Sooo funny! They rock! <3
(BTW Melvin i love your red hair (: v. pretty!)
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