Books you hate, can't get into or that just plain suck

39 replies since 5th June 2010 • Last reply 5th June 2010

The Time Traveller's Wife. Says in 500+ pages what it could've said about completely baseless love in about 40. Not to mention all of the name dropping and reciting poetry in it's original language...eurgh.

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I liked Twilight, but every book just got worse and worse. To be honest, I couldn't even finish the last one. Breaking Dawn, I believe?

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Toni Morrison. In my school you read (at least) two Toni Morrison books in your four year high school career. I've read Beloved and The Bluest Eye and I never thought I could hate a book so much...... D: She has such pretty writing but I just can't deal with the books. I've tried. I've failed. Never again. DX

100 YEARS OF SOLITUDE. My God. MY. GOD. *cries*

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Of Mice And Men, may be a classic but terribly boring.. Tongue

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I want to finish Life of Pi...but just can't get through it. I know so many people who love it.

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I really had a hard timereading memoirs of a geisha. just could not get into it. I loved the time travellers wife. so sad.

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Loved pretty much every book that was mentioned with the exception of the Twilight Sage. Meyer needs writing classes stat!
Hmm, The Historian was really boring and drawn out NOT at all what I was expecting.

Also Romance novels bore me. I just don't see the point.

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I hate Dan Browns the Davinci Code, I read the first chapter got really bored and stopped reading.

I love horror books but I just couldnt get into any of Graham Mastertons stuff, my mum love it but I found it was just a load of unnessecary gore and sex and very little decent plotline.

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Johnny Tremain was awful! That one was for school.. The DaVinci Legacy and any of the "24" books that were based on the show were awful too and I bought those ones with my own money! What a waste!

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i cant get into the harry potter books.
i read the twilight saga 2 or 3 times, te second time it was like "eh, i know what will happen" feeling

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