Good Books?

24 replies since 16th February 2009 • Last reply 16th February 2009

I adore Cold Sassy Tree, but my brother says To kill A mockingbird is way better. I haven't read it, so i dunno, but I luved Cold Sassy

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mocking bird is great

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City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (All Mythical Creatures)
Evernight by Claudia Gray (Vampires)
Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Stolarz (?)
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (Vampires)
Demon in My View by Amilia Atwater-Rhodes (Vampires)
Midnighter by Scott Westerfeld (?)
Glass Houses by Rachel Caine (Vampires and Ghosts)
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (Aliens)
Generation Dead by Daniel Waters (Zombies)
Mediator Series by Meg Cabot (Ghosts)
Jinx by Meg Cabot (Witches)
Eternal by Cynthia Smith (Angels)
Ya, I have a long list becase I love these books!

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another one i forgot to mention was "the bell jar" by sylvia plath. It was one of those books that once i started, i couldn't put it down.

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i have to echo the twilight series Happy
Also if you liked memoirs of a geisha you should check out some amy tan books or snowflower and the secret fan

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Brave New World - Huxley
1984 - Orwell
The Handmaid's Tale - Atwood
Farehinhiet 451 - Bradbury

so many more!! the four I listed are Dystopias, my favorite genre of books.
Twilight books are great, Inheritance Series too...

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Stardust -Neil Gaiman
Zombie00- brad gooch
ask alice - anyoumous (it really is an amazing book)
Any anne rice
i have to echo any amelia atwater-rhodes i love her books ...still

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The house of night series. Its like twilight but its different, but check them in shops or online.

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the last few good books i've read are
saras face
love stargirl.
looking glass wars.

but i've been dying to read ask alice.Happy

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Mikhail Bulgakov - The master and Margarita
One of the best book who I read.
Its story about love, devil, life in big city and thing between heaven and earth.

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