I think I just had a mental break down.

I guess things pile up sometimes until you can't handle them- today I couldn't handle the dogs getting out of the backyard. Aside from the fact that I was in the front yard getting it cleaned up after the long winter and came in sweaty, hot and tired and I'm getting ready to call my parents who are out of town I see that my boyfriend's been calling. So I call him because I get the feeling that whatever he called for was important. I guess the dogs got out and he was on his way to go and get them because I wasn't answering the phone. I then put on my shoes and grabbed leashes and wondered around my parents neighborhood completely lost because half the streets are Vernon and for the life of me I couldn't get off of 80th street. My boyfriend called me about 20 minutes later and said he had them and is coming to pick me up which of course I insisted I didn't need to be picked up and he came anyway. This ticked me off even more and of course I was short and yelling at him. Put the dogs on their leashes, pulled them out of the car and started towards home on foot. I was steaming. My dog kept pulling at his leash so I kept stopping to try to get him to walk with me and while I was doing that- my parent's dog slipped his collar off and took off in a run. I started swearing as I ran after him, finally catching him and getting his collar back on. I sat there tightening it and fuming while a couple of neighbor kids walked by. I got them home, let them each get a drink of water and locked them in their kennels. Then I called my boyfriend and apologized and told him I just didn't need him to always rescue me and then I called my dad and broke down on him. Dad's are great sometimes- they understand things that boyfriend's don't.

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11 replies since 20th March 2011 • Last reply 20th March 2011

I'm sorry. I've had days like that. Only switch dogs with children. My niece and nephew who make my life hell. A nice hot shower, filling dinner, and a good nights sleep should help! I hope to morrow is better!

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As my darling Grandmother used to say ..."It bees that way sometimes".

It helps me to take a long hot bath with scented candles burning and the lights off. I sometimes listen to classical music too that also helps me to relax. Tomorrow will be a better day.

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I get like that a lot when I'm on my period. Like right now. It really sucks and I try not to take it out on my boyfriend, but he understands. And I'm usually cooled down in five minutes. I usually just need some chocolate. It always helps!

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lol well, I'm not suffering from PMS or any other period-related symptoms, I was just tired and cranky.

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"I usually just need some chocolate. It always helps!"

Chocolate cures everything! I Think if the rest of the world thought that way, it would be a better place.

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I always feel better after some chocolate!! And I wish the world could work that way!

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I know exactly how you feel because a year ago i my farther was in hospital and i was forced agenst my will to go to school. and i heard one girl acting as if her whole world was about to fall apart because she had forgotten to bring her mascara to school. i have to admit i hit the roof and i think that sceard them a bit because they keep well away from me now. the school sent me home after that.

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To the Above:

I get what you mean. Somedays something really terrible will happen and some one is complaining about the weather. I know its not their fault and they don't know whats going on, but I still want to shake them sometimes. Guess it puts what is really important into perspective. Happy

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Milkshakes Happy That helps me hehe :3

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I think for me that was a silly moment to explode. I've been packing on a lot lately and holding most of it in, I guess I had to release and I finally did over something as silly as the dogs getting out.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. It happens, but at least you got over it and you're boyfriend understood what was going on.

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