Government Rant

I moved here to South Africa 7 years ago with my parents, completely against my will. I've always hated it here and now the government it giving me even more of a reason to hate it here..

The government say they want to get rid of racism but they're the racists! I've NEVER been one to judge people by race, but they are now making life really hard for Caucasians like me. It is illegal for most companies to employ Caucasians and if you go for your divers test they fail you just because you're white. The government argues that there was unfair discrimination against blacks in Apartheid, but that was so long ago! Apartheid ENDED the year I was born (1993) and I didn't even grow up here and had NEVER heard of racism until I moved here in 2004. It's unfair! I'm not from here and now I have to suffer for something which ended before I was even born!

Also, last year, the government decided that too many people are failing school, so they gave everyone in government schools an extra 20%! So many people got distinctions because of this 20% that was added to their mark. The government don't even consider that maybe the teachers need to be more educated, they just give the kids free marks to make them pass. It's not right! Someone that gets 3% for a subject will have 23% on their report, which means that they passed. That's not how you should get more people to pass..

Everything here is just going backwards! It doesn't even help to vote because it's rigged, the ANC will always be the majority party.

AND our PRESIDENT only has grade 4 at school! That's ridiculous! Our president didn't even finish primary school and he thinks he can rule a country. He can't even speak English properly for gods sake!

Plus, now that Madiba (Nelson Mandela, the one who stopped Apartheid and helped to bring equality before he was forced to retire) is sick, we're all doomed. He's the only thing standing in the way of Zuma and complete power. Nelson Mandela is a hero, and we know he won't be around for much longer (he's 92). Without him, our country will be absolute chaos.

Rant over. Sorry for posting so much, these things just make me so angry

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4 replies since 3rd February 2011 • Last reply 3rd February 2011

I understand your fustration, South Africa is going through some hard times right now.

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Sorry the thought of 1993 being so long ago makes me giggle. I remember working at a junior high school and getting student files in with their birth year as 1993 and almost having spasms because that felt like yesterday to me.

Your president by the way is more educated than Abraham Lincoln was (he only had approx 18 months of schooling from various schools).

I don’t know. I am tended to think a great deal about this one before I respond much further. I have an old friend who is a white South African; his family owns a farm there so I will probably talk a little bit to him about what’s going on before I comment any further. Hang in there though- South Africa has yet to find its feet in the world. In a way you're standing in America just after it declared it's independance. It's still new to SA and its going to take some time.

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My best friend, Shakti, is from SA, she they moved from there to MB, and one of the reasons was because it was getting more dangerous there. I didn't know about the government crisis; how can any Caucasians get jobs if it's illegal?! It seems like they're repeating history in some form or another.

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The crime is also getting worse. I hardly ever leave my house because it's too dangerous. My boyfriend gets stabbed almost every week while walking home from his friends

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