Everything wants to breakdown on me :/

So far

[1] The boileer
[2] My laptop..Virus after virus...
[3] Front door..cos we left the keys inside
[4] The bedroom door( slammed too hard)

All in a week.
As everyone knows. The weather is mighty cold. And the boiler has broken down has been for past two weeks now. No joke...you can see your breath in the friggin air. That is not right. That is supposed to happen when you leave the god dam house. I reported it and cant be fixed til thursday so stuck with two small heaters. Still have pretty numb legs and upstairs is like the antarctic :| Its killin us lol.

My laptop is bombarded with viruses. Had to rebboot it and lost all files :/ EVERYTHING. )': sad times. And now have bare random pop ups.

So the weather is crap and its making me mad cos im also ill. Sorry random little rant. haha.

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8 replies since 15th November 2010 • Last reply 15th November 2010

Awww, this is all sooooo lame! I really hope your boiler gets fixed soon!!! In the meantime, drink LOOOTS of tea and orange juice, so hopefully you don't catch cold. <3

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Awww, this is all sooooo lame! I really hope your boiler gets fixed soon!!! In the meantime, drink LOOOTS of tea and orange juice, so hopefully you don't catch cold. <3

Edit: I see that you say you are already ill. Oops. Is this because of the boiler going out? I hope not!!!! <3

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A good way to warm the house up is to turn your oven on and position a fan in front of it. The fan should blow the heat from the oven into the rest of the house. Just be careful with the kiddies...Electric blankets work well when you want to warm up the bed and turn the stove off while you sleep.
Hope this helps out!
Now go drink some HOT cocoa and cuddle with a blanket! Happy

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OH Im so sorry, we know how that can be.I hope you warm up with Felecity's advice and get well soon.
Hope you know someone that can reformat and install windows for you.
that would take care of it, and get some good protection for it, a fire wall and anti virus.
I use sygate personal fire wall and
avast personal anti virus both are free and a really big help.
Hope all is better soon.

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Oh gosh my sisters been in the same situation. Her hoover broke several times, enough to send it back and get a refund to buy a new WORKING one!! Now her washing machine has packed up on her Happy

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"Packed up." LOVE it!! xD

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Oh no, sounds terrible! Happy Can you get hold of a fan heater? They are good for blasting a bit of heat around. Otherwise Try using a hot water bottle and a duvet- our flat doesn't have heating (illegal but meh, the landlord just has to have installation BOOKED, and it's been BOOKED for about 8 months now...) so i use a duvet as an indoor coat.

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Awh haha yeah. Iv'e been dosing up on the good ol hot choclate. and constantly wearing a dressing gound :')
My toilet chain fell apart just after i posted the topic XD
Just isn't going very well. & yeahhh. Soon as the boiler packed in the house just turned into the North pole. ): were all ill now and i phoned the housing association to fix it and they are taking their sweet ass time about it >.<
The small radiators that we brought seem to be doing a good job though warms up a whole room so we are all located in the living room practically 24/7 aslso sorry if this post seems jumbled up some of my laptop keys also fel off :| pmsl. If i dont laugh ill scream!

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