Strange phone numbers/phone calls

25 replies since 29th September 2010 • Last reply 29th September 2010

I've been getting an annoying debt collector. Can't squeeze blood from a stone buddy, quit callin'! Before that it was telemarketers. I started using weird messages on my answering machine. One was in spanish saying "We're not home right now, leave a message". That scared them off for a while because no one at that company knew spanish! LOL

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PinkWeeds- Well, thankfully I didn't answer the call. Unless it was someone else. I usually don't pick up when its a number I don't recognize. But is that real? Or was it just some rumor that they made up. Gosh, I'm even more spooked, especially today is a student holiday and I don't have school today so that means that I'm home alone. But my mom is here, she's outside though...

Abyka- Yeah, the 866 number is still calling me. I think the only way to make them stop calling you is to pick up and say "No thank you," or "Sorry, but I'm not interested."

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it's an urban legend so it's probably made up. I think it's from the movie that The Ring was based off of.

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Abbyka...that's so funny. I had a funny message once. I sang it in the tune of a "O Brother Where Art Thou" song. Really twangy and country. lol Anyone is welcome to use it.

Weeeelllll, you can leave a message,
But I prolly won't call you baaahack!
Cause I'm not home now
and I don't even give a crap!

No I don't "cayer" one bit...
no not one little bit,

So you can shove your message
Cause I don't give a *beep* (that's the leave a message after the tone beep) lol

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Here's one I had on my answering machine for a while.

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lol Abbyka! That is so amazing I have to use it for mine!

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My husband got mad when I put it on because not everyone who calls is a telemarketer.

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lol, I used it for my cell phone so people who call it and actually know me should get a laugh about it.

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You have to tell me what reactions you get. Happy I laughed when the REAL mental health clinic called and got the answering machine. :o

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Abbyka, HAHA! The dyslexic part made me laugh!! Happy

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My personal favorite is the multiple personality disorder. Happy

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