Strange phone numbers/phone calls
I've been getting an annoying debt collector. Can't squeeze blood from a stone buddy, quit callin'! Before that it was telemarketers. I started using weird messages on my answering machine. One was in spanish saying "We're not home right now, leave a message". That scared them off for a while because no one at that company knew spanish! LOL
PinkWeeds- Well, thankfully I didn't answer the call. Unless it was someone else. I usually don't pick up when its a number I don't recognize. But is that real? Or was it just some rumor that they made up. Gosh, I'm even more spooked, especially today is a student holiday and I don't have school today so that means that I'm home alone. But my mom is here, she's outside though...
Abyka- Yeah, the 866 number is still calling me. I think the only way to make them stop calling you is to pick up and say "No thank you," or "Sorry, but I'm not interested."
it's an urban legend so it's probably made up. I think it's from the movie that The Ring was based off of.
Abbyka...that's so funny. I had a funny message once. I sang it in the tune of a "O Brother Where Art Thou" song. Really twangy and country. lol Anyone is welcome to use it.
Weeeelllll, you can leave a message,
But I prolly won't call you baaahack!
Cause I'm not home now
and I don't even give a crap!
No I don't "cayer" one bit...
no not one little bit,
So you can shove your message
Cause I don't give a *beep* (that's the leave a message after the tone beep) lol
Here's one I had on my answering machine for a while.
lol Abbyka! That is so amazing I have to use it for mine!
My husband got mad when I put it on because not everyone who calls is a telemarketer.
lol, I used it for my cell phone so people who call it and actually know me should get a laugh about it.
You have to tell me what reactions you get. I laughed when the REAL mental health clinic called and got the answering machine. :o
Abbyka, HAHA! The dyslexic part made me laugh!!
My personal favorite is the multiple personality disorder.
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