Profile Edit Rant

I have been waiting for weeks now on Tom to reply to my messages and comments about the fact that I can't edit my profile. If I had known when I filled it out that I would not be able to change it, I would have filled it out differently. It's annoying me that it isn't up-to-date, because I'm a little strange like that, but I also can't delete projects, change my password, and the latest is the fact that I can't even view my projects. I know the site is still being worked on, but as the site seems to be grown and there are many members I would think that the owners would be more on top of all these issues. This is a great site, I really love it, but I want to change my profile! Ok, having got all that out I feel better and will now start work on my Felt Bats.

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15 replies since 31st August 2010 • Last reply 31st August 2010

I don't have the exact same problem as you (as such) I can edit my profile, but I have never ever - since I joined (and I've been a member for over a year now) been able to set my location on my profile... this problem has been made aware in the suggestions board several times!!

You can change your profile content, I think there are a few people that are experiencing the same thing as you.

I can understand why it hasn't been sorted yet. Think about it, poor Cat and Tom are the only two people that have to sort out this website and think about it, they've probably got jobs and have their own life too, it's probably very time consuming to moderate a website as large as this.

I would e-mail Cat as well as Tom and say that you haven't had a reply and see what she says about it all.

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I really just wanted to vent, but then I realized that I wasn't done... I also have to click on "Favorite" 3 + times before it actually goes through. Which can get old quickly. I know Cat and Tom are busy... I can more than understand it. But I mean maybe they could ask for help from people that can actually help fix some of the website issues. I don't know, Like I said I really love this site, the members are great and generally speaking the site is awesome as hell,but when everyday it's another error message, sometimes I ask myself " do I wanna deal with errors today?" I love looking at projects to favorite, but when it takes me 3-4 minutes for every time I want to like something it makes me not wanna bother. I mean no disrespect and I'm not trying to sound like a bitch. And I will wait politely for the issues to be corrected, but I needed to get it out before I threw something at my computer screen.

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No I understand where you are coming from, believe me, I've been trying to set my location on my profile for just over a year and it is annoying me.

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Click favourite and then refresh the page, it works for me.

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A year is a long time to wait for a soultion I think. Happy Where are you located? Just because now I'm curious. Happy And Laurel I will try that Thanks, but I still wish I could just click Favorite and be done with it. (Love your hair color by the way).

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What does you use to get on the internet? I use FireFox. My problem is just getting on to the ding dang site. Other than that I don't have any problems for more than a few hours.

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I use Firefox too Tara. IE just simply won't work for me. I like Firefox though. Don't really have issues with it regularly so I don't think it is that. Just figured it was site "bugs". If anyone has found a way around the editing profile issue I'm having, PLEASE let me know. It's driving me batty. Happy

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LOL yeah I know... I'm located in London (North London) lol.
Have you still not heard from Tom? What about Cat?

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Cool. And no still no word. I am in the process of sorting my Crafting area and supplies which is taking me I am not a junkie... I just clearly I need MORE supplies. haha. I am going to message them both again when I am finished. Happy

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Are you sure you're not a junkie?! (lol jokes...).

It takes ages to get your things together, I'm still trying to do the same. I would love to have the room in my bedroom to have a proper crafting desk.

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oh man, im having almost ALL of the exact same problems you are


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I'm having the same problems too. I can't edit any of my profile, including my location. Grrr >.<

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Good luck Lolly, I hope you get the room for your desk. I have pretty much taking over our living room and am ready to throw the t.v. and couches out the door to make more room. Also, they did finally fix the profile edit issue but I still can't delete projects that I no longer wish to have posted, any ideas? And I hope they are able to help the rest of you that are having problems. Happy

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To delete already published projects, you have to email tom, cat or crafterella and they will get rid of it for you.

I've always had the location problem too, but I just leave it now haha. I'm not getting wound-up about it.

For my birthday the other day I was given storage boxes so I've completely sorted all my crafting stuff, and the kitchen table is now officially my crafting desk ;) hee hee

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