@$!&*#@!$ Pretty sure I failed AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!

So I took my state certification test again today and I'm pretty sure I failed it AGAIN, that's twice. For Hells sake when am I gonna get this?????????? DAMN !!!!!!

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19 replies since 20th May 2010 • Last reply 20th May 2010

Ok you're going to have to explain to me what that is... lol

Other then that though I'm sure most people can sympathise with some school/Uni exam they've failed or a driving test that they've failed or the anxiety of awaiting results.

I did my very final exam the Wednesday before last and I don't feel as if I did that well in it and I'm really nervous about my classification, so long as I get a 2:2 or above I'm happy, but it's the whole waiting thing!! The only thing I try to do is take my mind off of it by keeping myself busy and being a little self-indulgent and pampering myself or relaxing and doing what I want to do.

When do you find out if you've passed or not?

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ok, when taking the Utah state Interpreter Certification you are told it could take 12-16 weeks for test results. Last time it only took 3 weeks to find out, however I have friend that it took 9 and 16 weeks. I am so frustrated, it was like I froze or something, completely stumbled all over the place. My frustration is I CAN DO THIS, test anxiety kills me. I do well is class and then when I walk in the door to test, I'm an idiot. I wanna go back to bed forever. : (

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oh, p.s. I'm TRYING to become a certified Sign Language Interpreter. Trying is the appropriate word here.....

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Ok right I understand your situation. I'm under the assumption that the test is a practical one... so I can understand why the pressure is more intense, kind of like a driving test because you do have that person watching you sort of... whereas with me and my written exams I just kinda ramble and go into my own little bubble.

So I can understand the pressure. You're not an idiot, you're obviously inteliget enough to be able to perform well in class, so it's not a confidence thing. It sounds to me that the problem is with the stress of the situation. No matter whether you pass or faill it might be in your interests to look into some forms of stress management, not only to help you get through future exams, but employers obviously love people that can manage themselves under pressure.

In one of my Uni modules it was 100% coursework assessed. Our final assessment was an individual reflection essay based on we felt we worked in our group, it required us to devise a future plan for ourselves in order to enhance our skills on group working blah blah blah. Stress management was one of the things that I identified as a weakness as well as confidence boosting and I looked into stress management methods etc.

Just a thought. I know how anxious you must be in receiveing your results, I'm in the same boat, I think I have till wait till the mid of June. But like I said, try and keep busy and keep your mind off of it because there's nothing you can do now to change your results

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You have to psyche yourself UP! If you go in there thinking you're nervous, and if you allow the butterflies to take over you won't be able to concentrate.

You just have to take a deep breath, walk in there and say:

I am good at this. I am just as good as anybody else here. This test is gonna be easy. (breath!) Then pretend, if you can that the instructor or whatever is your BEST FRIEND on earth. Try to imagine yourself in a familiar place. Pretend that you've been there a million times before and you're an expert at everything. You know where every pencil is in the building and you can turn to the exact place in the book the questions are being read from.

You OWN this exam. It's yours. You wrote it. You passed it...you are amazing! And try to breath! (slowly, like when you're getting ready to sleep)

You'll ace the next one! But I'm pretty sure you passed this one already! Cause you are awesomeness!


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You can't change it now-just be ready for either eventuality when the results are published -ooh that sounded so simple ;0)

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relax, maybe its not as bad as you think. plus why not get some help with your anexity

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Hi Krafty.......right there with you.....I do BSL....british sign language. It's really easy to get in a mess. I once signed something very inapppropriate by using both hands together rather than 'drawing' out the shape. Let's just say I was ttrying to sign diamond and got seriously laughed at Happy

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i havent read the entire thread, and i dont know what you have or have not done to study, BUT....

when i took state certification for skincare, i practiced with my teacher and classmates JUST the way it would happen in the actual test. this included how nit-picky they are during the practical, and how they try to trick you on the written test. by us making allowances for how crazy the testers are, we were all able to pass first time, no problem!

maybe try doing this with someone else you know who wants the same certification? you could also try with people who have had any experience with state certification.


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Hi Krafty. One of the ways I practiced was going out for a night with my deaf friends and hearing friends who didn't sign. I got better as the night went on at interpreting and it was a relaxed environment. My deaf mates did say some stuff that I didn't translate.......Lol. Quite funny in a loud nightclub though as you have an real advantage over hearing people. If you have any deaf clubs about or functions where they need a interpreter like a small theatre show, maybe you could offer to go along and help out for experience Happy

EDIT......on taking face to face exams, I imagine the examiner in their underwear....it makes me smile and brings them to the level of just being another human being...Lol

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that sounds good.

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Let us know how you do when you find out.

If it makes you feel any better it seems that I haven't done so well in one of my 100% coursework modules at Uni... I kinda feel like crap but I know there's nothing much I can do about it now...

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yes, let us know how you did.

to make you feel better, I failed high school(1st level) math three times!

and my driver test twce

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It's official, I failed.

However, I did alot better than I thought I did, I passed 2 of the 3 parts.

Sad thing is, you must pass ALL 3 to pass. Looks like I'll test again in Aug.


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