square peg

27 replies since 19th April 2010 • Last reply 19th April 2010

we should have a square peg convention in an off beat location, any suggestions??? Happy

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I'm a square peg...You just have to love you for you and people will be fascinated by that. Also...I moved to a new place and all my friends are in different towns. It's sooo hard to make friends out of high school!

I started selling AVON (even though I don't wear make up at ALL) ;) and I'm meeting a lot of nice ladies like me. Maybe you should try something like that.

Or just talk on here, cause OBVIOUSLY CO+K has a LOT of (snazzy) square pegs!

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I wish I lived closer to all of you too!So we could make crafting days together!Happy

I feel sometimes the same way as you Heather.I have many friends,but all of them are guys!So I cant talk about "girl stuff" with them.We meat every day on band practices,but its not the same as having girl friends.
I have two good female friends.And both of them love to craft,but one of them lives far-far-far away and we meet maybe two-three times a year.The other one lives almost next to my house,but she works a lot(all day) and goes to school,so we cant meat as often as I would like us too.
My husband is my best friend,but he works all day too,so Im stuck at home crafting and cooking all day.
The other girl friends I had all think Im weird and as time passed I noticed they didnt want to meet anymore,and where awoiding me.Im not a girly type and I dont like the usual stuff,so I had nothing to talk about with them.
But I dont care,because its better to have a few true friends then a bunch of fake ones.

And if we all where the same it would be such a boring world to live in.
This site is great,I got to meat wonderful people who are great to talk with so thanks to them I dont feel so lonely all day. Happy
And your definatly not boring Heather!

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OMG how cool would it be if we all lived on the same street!! I wish I could live closer to you guys too!!! We'd have like regular knitting and sewing circles and other kinds of cirlces too lol. We should have a square peg convention that would be pretty cool, I'd just LOVE to fly out to the US or somewhere just to meet up with you guys, people around me are so boring :C

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Becky.....I'd never get anything done for all the coffee mornings! My house would be in a bigger crafting mess than it already is........LOL Happy

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oh my bad i posted it 3 times....haha

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Sheila... Hahahahahaha we'd have to have seperate houses just to store all the crafty materials Tongue

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hiya everyone, my hubby finally fixed the computer...yay!!! getting back to this thread though...fully fledged square peg here...lol!!! i think that is why i love this website so much cos we are all unique in our own individual ways and we can all recognise that and accept each other for who we are...phew, can't you tell i'm glad to be back on here...hahaha!!! ^_^

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Becky....Lol......think they would have to be warehouses!!!!

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I have a great excuse for being a square peg in a round hole.
Moving continents !
No one knows what see you in a fortnight means !
People don't go to each others houses just to craft -they take a class or tuition.
That said all my friends here are older I walk with a group of women are are all over 70 bar me.They are such fun.We walk for around 30 minutes then put the world to rights over coffee for the next 30 Monday ,Wednesday and Friday.They have been there, seem that and are the best therapy a gal can get.On of them mentioned this morning that she liked to knit and gave another member some neonate hats.I mention my long abandoned knitted afghan squares project and I'm taking her some in on Friday ! We meet in a now mainly empty mall.We have very few stores ( oops shops) left around us but the laughter can still be heard on frequent occasions -when all the hearing aids are working :0)
Re The warehouse- Have just moved my large paper storage into the Rec ( American word for basement room where my son has a paint station for his models)
Heather you'll find friends they'll just be in unexpected places and as long as you need us we'll be here

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Sheila: LOL @ the warehouse comment - probably right though.

I'd love to meet like-minded people, I think half of the problem is my age range, being 21 most of my peers want to go out and get pissed, get laid and have different hobbies and stuff. It could just be my stereotypical view, but I'm a lot quieter than that and not many people my age are into crafting like I am. The only friend I have like that is now in Liverpool...

Meh, I'll make new friends when I get my new job - whenever that is Tongue

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Becky...LOL. now what you mean about your age. I'm 44 now so I've grown into my older lady status. When you get to a point where you fit your age it's a bit more comfortable. In my 20's I found people wanted to be my friend because I could sew but I didn't go out drinking with them so only saw them wearing stuff I'd made them at final fit stage. I had a mate who use to say I would make a good looking 40 sumthin' that was ok but I was only in my mid 30's!

Don't worry about the age thing, just think of all the stuff you will be able to do when you are old and grey and the other people of your age will bored silly and loosing their faculties because they didn't keep their mind active Happy

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Aw thanks Sheila that's a lovely way of looking at it!!

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