a C-

31 replies since 24th April 2009 • Last reply 24th April 2009

Just...ask for help...I'm sure they'll understand and find a way to explain it to you...whatever it is you are having problems in..everyone has problems...so I don't think it should be that big of a deal

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I don't think it would be a big deal, it could be that they are moving along at a speed that you can't catch up. Sometimes I really need extra help to understand things.

Have you told your mom?

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Urgh, algebra. I hate algebra (and Maths in general) so much. I got an E in my last exam, so god only knows what I'll get overall this year. And this is the year where it all really matters, the grades I get this year effectively choose which university I go to.

It's already been said, but ask your teacher for help. They're there to help, and they'll be impressed that you're trying to improve rather than just giving up. I'm sure your mum will see it that way too and she won't be mad at you.

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How come you took a maths a level if you hate maths!?

I don't actually have a GCSE in maths, I mean I got an E so I didn't pass technically. They made me do maths in college and made it sound so important that we pass it that I actually went and got me a one to one tutor in the second year because no one put me in the maths classes again second year when I failed 1st year! My first year tutor group was put together because we'd all got less then a C in maths, I was not impressed. And then right before I was gonna be put in for the maths exam again in the second year my tutor was like 'um maybe we should get you tested for dyscalculia' and I do have it. So all that work and it took them all that time to decide to get me tested!

the learning difficulties woman I kept having to go to before they 'diagnosed' dyscalculia (felt like more of a thearpy session too) said there was no point me even doing a maths exam if I was going to uni to do art. Most colleges require you to have 5 gcses at C grade or over and unis dont really look at you GCSEs. And once you get a degree they dont even look at your a levels. I still managed to get a job without a maths qualification! anyway...carry on

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I've been doing really well in geography and science (mitosis, meosis, nervous system, ect) but i havent caught up to the advanced level that everyone else is at. My older brother was also in the Athena program, so it always feels like i should be there too, my little brother didn't even get in though. Then again, my older brother is a genius in calculus, plays several musical instruments, and is a senior going to UNT on a music scholarship, so i have lots to live up to. I really am only interested in art, writing, or medicine. Math isn't really a fun challenge for me, i know how to do long division, i just make tiny mistakes. I could have gotten an 80 on my test, but i labeled 5 of them as positives so i got a 50! Its my forgetfulness that's making me f up, which really makes me feel bad because there are kids who work crazy hard and get C's. I feel like a jerk whenever i screw up like that.

I haven't told my mom yet. She's be pissed, and my little brother will probably rub it in my face, even though I'm doing thing three times tougher than him. He's still getting an A- in math, though. Its really just awful because i've been doing really tough things for my age and my little brother gets better grades than me. I cant decide whether getting bad grades in an advanced program is better or worse than getting A's in a normal level.

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Gawd, the pressure with these things is ridiculous. How old are you in 6th grade, 12? 13? You obviously care and are trying your hardest, Bs and Cs are not bad grades.

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ya, but i think i can do better if i try really hard. ). Maybe not as well as my brothers, but i think i'll get better. As long as i do my personal best, i'll be happy, but im not right now, so i just really need to focus.

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if your brother is younger he'll be doing easier stuff anyway right? You get held back a grade if you don't pass the grade your in over there don't you? Thats even more stressful! It shouldn't be that hard!

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just do your personal best

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I think your mom will understand more than you may think. Some say that being smart is genetic...so I understand where you feel pressure...but don't try to live up to your brother...you are only being a downer on yourself. You have to believe in yourself. And...I think if you try to see math in an art form...you may see more reason to try harder...I know that's really not easy..but you can look at those numbers and see them differently. (I sound so nerdy!)

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KT is right, believe in yourself, don't try to live in anothers shadow

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Queen: I only started hating Maths this year, because I try so hard and it doesn't click. And then when I just about think I've got it, I try a few practice questions and it all goes out the window. I'm hoping I can get at least a C overall, I pushed my grade from last year up to a B so hopefully even if I get D's in all my units thie year I'll end up with a C overall.

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My dyscalculia means I can learn maths if someone sits down and teaches me it one to one but when I'm asked to do a sum on my own without their direction I can't do it, it doesn't even have to be 5 mins later it can be less then 5 mins and I won't be able to do it even though I've understood it my mind just goes blank. I can add and subtract, divide and multiply but thats it, with even simple sums I need a calculator because I can't picture the numbers. I try to picture them like puzzle pieces, it's got better but I'll always need a calculator!

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That sounds like me a bit, my mental maths is so terrible and I still don't know my times tables very well even though I'm 18 >.<. And I understand stuff when someone goes through it with me, but when something in a problem isn't completely obvious then I really struggle.

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I still can't do time tables

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