wisdom teeth

27 replies since 14th December 2008 • Last reply 14th December 2008

me too. My cheek is verry puffy. and where its xmas, I will not be able to see one till after the holidays

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getting them pulled is no big deal - everyone makes it sound terrible, which I suppose it would be if you're not knocked out. I was so nervous about it because my mom told me they were going to give me an IV and I hadn't had a shot since I was 5 years old and the thought of needles makes my stomach turn so that's what was worrying me, but when they pulled the needle out I turned my head and felt the poke, then the doctor said "okay..." and I turned my head back and either passed out or the drugs worked that quick Tongue felt like 2 seconds later I was waking up and they were telling me I could go home. I had gauze all in my mouth and couldn't feel my face - my eyelids were even numb! - but it was kind of a dull pain. later, when I got my drugs, I took them and they made me fall asleep almost instantly, then I'd wake up in time to take more and fall asleep again. this went on for 3 days maybe. as long as I had ice on my face it wasn't that bad. I was quite swollen for a while, and the antibiotics made me itchy, but it was a piece of cake! you'll definitely need a few days to recover, but it's worth it if you weigh out with what you're going through right now! Tongue

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I know its not too bad, I am just worried about my teeth. This is my second set of wisdom teeth, I was born with 8 wisdom teeth

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aaaaaaaahhh*scream* This sounds sooo awful.. 8 wisdome teeth!!!!! :-O
I had a operation last year to get my 4 wisdom teeth out..
I had huge problems because when the doctor pulled one out the tooth split in pieces and a part of it has to be cut out of my jawbone..
I had to get 8 injections against the pain and my face felt numb for some days... oO It was terrible....a real nightmare... I would totally freak out if I had 8 of that teeth.... oO

Sorry don´t want to frighten you but.. to get them out can be more complicate then somebody tell you ... And you have 8 of them...!!! you should really surch for a nice and good doctor after the holidays ;)

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I remember one year one of my co-workers had to get like 2 wisdom teeth out...she was gone for 2 days i think and came back and her face was swollen...poor thing! When my roomate got hers pulled out she wasn't that swollen...the only sucky part for her was not being able to eat foods she wanted, because in college the food is soo crappy and there are only so many choices for soft foods. You get sick of it kinda fast.

I haven't had any pulled yet, the dentist claims they haven't completely came in yet...I guess I will just have to wait for the other 2 to come in and get them all pulled.

Last year I had an infection in my tooth...and seriously infections HURT!! I thought it hurt worse than when my wisdom tooth was comming in...and I was dying for the dentist to pull the tooth out and give me more antibiotics and ibuprofen. HAHA!

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Feb 3, I get them removed

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i dont have any and i wont Happy but some more molars are coming down so it hurts!

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when i got my wisdom teeth, they hurt (i think it must have been like what teething felt lke oh so long ago), but where growing in straight, but i didnt have enough room in my mouth for them, so my dentis pulled them, but they ended up having to break them in my mouth for them to get them out. That is the worse sound i have ever heard....

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ewwww, I can hear it now

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ewww..I remembered that sound when my tooth broke.....*brrrrrrr* Its got me freezing right now...ewwwwww
And the feeling was like somebody crashed my jaw-bone....*horrible*

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I am so glad I was put to sleep for my removal

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My top right one is finally comming in now....and wisdom teeth are molars...but yeah..it's comming in..and it doesn't hurt anywhere near as bad as my first one..i think my top ones are growing in straight and my bottom ones just plain feel like they have no room..

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michelle, i am with you, put me to sleep to pull them. i had one pulled when i was 16, and three just pulled at the ripe old age of 50.

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