Scottish Bladesmith

Im Greg, from Edinburgh. I've been on here a while but inactive for a couple of years which I will now look to rectify.

I have a keen interest in bladesmithing and recently raised my game by making damascus (pattern welded) blades. I have a history of chainmail )mayle) making, leatherwork and silversmithing along with basic woodworking.

I drool over historical artefacts and love spending time with my friends as well.

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3 replies since 11th January 2017 • Last reply 15th January 2017

Hey @glitteringedge - how have you been? It's been ages. I still need to come and see you work sometime! Happy

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Hey @catmorley I've been alright thanks - been busy setting up the workshop (and having to move premises several times too..) but by around the end of March we should have a nice big more permanent space. At that point you would be more than welcome to come see the workshop but at the moment its a bit cramped.
How are you? I think its been several years since we caught up last

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