Not new, but i like to say hello to all the other members and to share our crafts and culture topics

Hi everybody, i'm not new anymore, only it's still difficult to visting this site, i'm having a too old computer,
When i became a member here, i liked the idea to share my craftings my experiments with new technics and to wach as well the culture crafts of others. I think that sharing and being friendly here in our comments will be a big help to make the world a tiny bit better, because you all can watch other cultures by making friends all over the world with the same interestings of crafting.
It made me for a while more understandable why people thought about things very differently.
And that living in the Netherlands is making our measurements way differently then in the USA.
I like those different things to find out, and all those strange measurments in crafts to translate.
It have made me make me aware that you can make friends and learn about their lives.
And their solutions, it has helped me very much,
even with some methodes which i was still finding out myself by fusion plastic , it has helped me to tried out this and trying to make my own solutions.
I think, that's not the reason for everybody but only watching others where they are working with or making is helping.
So thank you all for this big help by sharing your idea's and recipies and being friendly
The only thing that i don't like is that when you told that one of the members is going to die that the friendship is often on one side.
On one ravelty i have seen that they have made an solution for those things, so you can help people to write if you like to send them strenght. But the rest is super on this site.
I know that my other item isn't the goal of this site, but i felt my self very alone, when i heard of PJ that she was dying in those days.
And thinking of her that she allways gave everybody a friendly word, and less people did the same for her, i thought this is so strange.
But i 'm of my allways trying to be thoughtfull to others.
And okay i have watched here too not so nice things as well to each other.
That's said. when somebody make the work of an other for their one to sell.
but that's my opion, and i'm just one of the many members.
but i like still here my visitings, allthough i'm on my gard, because of some "friends" that wheren't the ones that they where in real life.
It's funny that that's still hapening, i have seen that girl around her with too many new acounts, and still making herself in too an other persone with the same issues.;-D
Okay after all i can laugh about this, but it's a sad thing.
that's for now what i want to share with you all.
Keep going on with enjoying your crafting and to share them.
and be friendly still as well when you don't understand things completly, to make this world you a tiny bit better for us alll-D
I will be for a while silent because i must be operated , i have a good tumour in my belly that must cut out so untill i wish you a good time with your crafting.
till soon , i hope

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2 replies since 2nd June 2016 • Last reply 3rd June 2016

Hi Jet, great to see you are still on the siteHappy
Many of us have not been very active here for a while, but we are hoping to get things running along again, starting up the swaps, and getting to know each other better.
I remember you fondly from years ago, and hope that you have a successful operation and recover quickly, and that you will find the time and energy to take part in the chats and activities again.
Good luck Happy

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Hey Jet, so nice to see you back and I've always loved your positivity and kindness. We'll be thinking of you when you're having your operation and please keep us updated! Love

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