Fav video game... lately and of all time?
i mu self like Mario kart just cus it soo fun
My all time fav video game I'd have to say is tetris . My current game is Fable! I haven't got to play the new one though because my Xbox took a poop :'( so did my PS3 for that matter, but my PS3 was murdered by my 2 year old son, the Xbox was just a natural you play to many video games Right now were rocking the wii that my mother in law bought us, playing a lot of Mario, cause who doesn't Love Mario?
I LOVE Zelda games - especially Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. Pokemon games too!! When I was little, though, I remember that I absolutely LOVED Yoshi's Island and Yoshi Story, the latter probably having been my uber fave. =3
Skies of Arcadia! <3 I keep waiting for the freaking sequel!
Get on it, SEGA!
Recently, I'd have to say Fable III. Or Dead or Alive 4. Probably because I can kick my husband's ever loving butt on it.
Fable II let me down. But I did play it out of sequence and got spoiled by Fable III.
As of late, I've been playing a lot of RIFT. It's the 5th or 6th MMORPG I've played.
My favorite game of all time is a tie between Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, and Doom 2.
My all-time favorite video game is Psychonauts. My recent favorites are Dragon Age: Origins, Silent Hill 2, Fatal Frame II, Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, and Pokemon White.
My favorite video game of all time is Disaster Report (PS2)and Haunting Ground (PS2).
Ahhh! Haunting ground was amazing!!!! I some how lost my copy, I keep wanting to buy it again but the only place I can find it is ebay and they sell for like $60.00 because that game is so cool! It was very scary too ^_^
Left for dead!
Super Mario the original for NES is always going to be my favorite. But I am addicted to the Resident Evil series and The Elder Scrolls. My husband and I just bought Skyrim! had been waiting for it to come out for awhile! also Fable. My husband and I have a "gamer room" we are pretty hardcore console gamers.
Current fave is Skyrim (ofcourse) and WoW. All time fave hmm.. maybe fatal frame 3 or FFX or Endless Ocean cause i find it hella relaxing.
I really like minecraft and super Mario bros for ds
Favourite as a kid was Pokemon Red, it got my hooked on Pokemon for life! My curreny fave to play is Sims 2- even though i've had it for about 5 years I still play it all the time like a dork
my favourited games when I was a kid was Zombies ate my neighbor, Donky Kone, an pokemon blue.
Current games: Animal crossing, ddr, anything where I can blast a zombie
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