Magic The Gathering
My boyfriend plays this, and I just don't get it =P does anyone here play?
My husband used to play.. still has all his cards, looks interesting, I would like to give it a go but looks really complicated.
ugh my hubby just started playing i don;t get it either
m husband always is trying ot get me to play with him, but it is complicated and he always beats my butt because obviously i don't know what i am doing...... magic ranks right up there with d&d in the geek -o-meter
I know! I think that is hillarious because my husband is a Marine! Hahaha. He was talking about it in code with another Marine the other day, and his friend kept texting me trying to figure out what they were talking about so he could make fun of them. He found out and now is playing it too! Muahahahahaha!
I used to play those back when I was around 12... Mad fun back then and not quite as complicated as it might seem at first. Eventually got bored with it and threw away the cards though.
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