Screens Frazzling

So this is the second time that a computer screen has seemingly fried on the inside and this one is only a year old and like was brand new and has stopped working completely! (I'm on my boyfriend's pc for today). The first screen to do that was already quite old. So is this because I'm using them too much or just bad luck that I get a dud screen?

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2 replies since 18th February 2009 • Last reply 18th February 2009

In my very un-IT opinion I would say it is bad luck.. I doubt it would that you are using it too much. Is it LCD?

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I would also agree that its bad luck. Out of all the monitors I've had and everyone in my family have had, none have frazzled from over use. They all get left on 24/7 and we don't use screen savers.

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