Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Has anyone seen the new Ted Bundy film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile?

Ted's played by Zac Efron and I thought he did a good job. I found myself getting really convinced when he was pleading his innocence, just like people were during the real trial.

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1 reply since 16th May 2019 • Last reply 17th May 2019

No, I haven't, Zac Efron sounds like a good choice though. Someone who comes across as a nice guy turning out to be a serial killer makes it all even more disturbing.
I think I prefer fictional murder though, particularly the more "light-hearted" variety, like "Father Brown", "Midsomer Murders" and "Death in Paradise", trying to guess "who-dunnit" (and failing...)

I'm so glad we don't have jury duty in Holland, I'd constantly worry if I hadn't made the wrong decision...

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