X Files
I'm not sure how big it is out there across the pond, but a new movie just came out.. and I just saw it today... and its kind of a disappointment. It wasn't necessarily bad, but compared to the other movie, and the tv show.. I was expecting so much more.
X-Files had a big audience at one point here, I was terrified of it as a kid but I like it now cuz it's not that scary to me now. I'm going to see the film this saturday, the staff at that cinema are gonna know our names soon enough we've been 4 or 5 saturdays in a row! I think it looks good even before I knew the trailer was X-Files it looked good but I guess a lot of people thought that too because it's had a lot of bad reviews
I am a huge Xfiles fan. I have heard it is disapointing alright, to be honest there wasn't really much hype about it online really either beforehand, not like Batman. I suppose it came out at a bad time too.
I don't know if we will go to see it in the cinema though.
We're gonna wait till it comes out on DVD now, it'll probably still be a cult hit. I've been watching some xfiles today
Yea, it was only disapointing because, the trailors made it seem like some HUGE thing... like.. there was some secretive thing going on, and it was quite misleading. It was really slowgoing.
I think if I haddn't ever watched x-files or the first movie, I would love it.
Like I said before though, it wasn't BAD MOVIE, it just wasn't up to standard [like when the smartest kid in class turns in an essay that would be GREAT for a c student to have wrote, but it wasn't up to the normal standards, so it seems like its bad]
I thought it was terrible. Such a lame story. I didn't mind that it didn't have all the conspiracy and aliens in it, but it could have had more tension and paranormal stuff in it! It barely passed as an x-file case!! and the whole story with Scully and the hospital pah
If it was a tv episode it would have made a pretty average one, for film it was a waste and the box office takings show that. I wonder now will Chris Carter get to make the almighty conspiracy filled one he wanted for 2012?
lmfao thats EXACTLY what my mom said. She said it was an Episode, and that was all. It wasn't a movie.
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