Fave Comedians
Black Books is awesome by the way.
Stewart Lee is an amazing British Stand up, I've seen him in Glasgow a couple of years ago and his new show is just out on DVD (Stewart Lee's Carpet Remnant World) and it's fantastic.
i am so stoke you guys have great sense of humor! loving Trevor Noah and david sedaris right now:0
let me recommend David Mitchell as I'm attracted to his beard and seeing as i'm watching the Mitchell & Webb show oh and Nina conti she's an Amazing stand up ventriloquist!
Kathy Griffin
Jimmy Fallon is currently my favorite comedian. Favorite comedian of ALL TIME is Jim Carey!!!
Jim Jeffries!!! He is so over the top I can't get over him!! I like the people who say things we have thought; but don't have the nerve to say… even when he is less than feminist, and far from religious.
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