anyone here watch degrassi? favorite couple (past or present), favorite characters, reveiws on episodes?
I actually love Degrassi, although I only recently started watching it again. The series started when I was in 7th grade, so I was the same age as Emma/Manny/JT etc.
My favorite character is Jay, and I really liked the Manny/Jay relationship.
when past seasons are on, i watch them. manny/jay is a good relationship, i dont have a favorite
I love love love Manny and Jay!
I also seriously miss Spinner and Jane too though. Spinner and Emma was a little weird for me.
Marco, Manny, Spinner, and Jay will always be my favorite characters. I liked Ellie too.
Least favorite for me was Darcy. :<
How do you guys feel about the new episodes?
the new episodes are okay.
Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High are the best. And my favorite couple is probably Snake and Spike. From the newer episodes it is probably Ally and Dave. I love Ally. Also I can't stand Katie, Imogen, and Marisol. They are annoying.
marisol and katie annoy me, imogen creeps me out sometimes.
Yeah, Imogen is just too weird and I don't like how she is so obsessed with Eli. She just needs back off so he can get back with Claire.
I only remember watching the origional Degrassi from the 80s. Can't bother to get into the new stuff.
I looove the old Degrassi. My boyfriend and I watched all of it together off of Netflix. I like the new stuff, but I think I like the old Degrassi better.
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